I came to terms with this change of events months ago, and I even began to appreciate this break from the real world shortly after it started. With my summer babysitting job, the sporadic visits with my friends, and all the extra family time, I have been enjoying my time. The one thing that I had no idea would be difficult for me was not being able to plan for the future. Don't get me wrong, I have always been a planner, but I didn't know the degree to which I find peace in planning for the future. While not the healthiest habit of mine, it tends to help me out more than it hurts me, so I'm keeping it around. I still can't hardly plan for the next semester or year or even month, but I CAN think about all of the things I am thankful for at good ole University of Kentucky.
Obviously I am excited to see my friends consistently and to get back into a routine, but there are little things I am excited for too. While I can't complain about the home cooked meals, the abundance of hugs, the adventures, and the laughs my family gives me whether I earned it or not, I don't see anything wrong with also being excited for this other life I love living (call me Hannah, what can I say). It took me about a year to warm up to Lexington, KY, but now that I'm all warmed up, being away feels like a chunk of my heart is just chillin'. Thankfully, I get to go back and enjoy some of my favorite things and especially my favorite people.
Listen, I don't care how generic this one is, it is common for a reason. I am ready to randomly run into my friends on campus and chest bump them while all the cute masked boys watch. I am ready for study dates and group break downs and bachelor nights. I am so excited to just be with people my age and on similar wave links as I am. I am so excited to be with my dang girls!!
Coffee Dates
I had no idea how much I loved going to cute coffee shops with my friends to catch up or talk about Jesus or study our booties off. I love the smell of coffee and the random quality snacks and the people watching. I am going to make my rounds at these coffee shops like nobody's business.
Dude I wanna Learn
A nerd to my core, I love to learn new things. I love to be challenged and to have new fun facts and to understand things in life and in the world. I feel so fortunate to be born in a country where I can further my education as long as I want in whatever I want, and I am ready to continue being a…wait for it…student. Ask me about this one again after my first round of exams…
My College Room
Both my rooms at my mom and my dad's houses are awesome and I am thankful, but there is something about my college room. My mom went overboard because I am the oldest and she was as nervous as I was about me going away to school, and boy did that show up in my perfect room. It is pink and creams and cozy yet clean and my blankets are abnormally soft. I can't wait to decorate my bulletin board and to cuddle up against my pillows.
Lexington Food
My hometown has baptist churches and Mexican restaurants. Nothing wrong with that, but we don't have Goodfellas or The Press or Local Taco or Dads or Canes. Not even Tolly Ho when you're feeling blah and want to eat cheese fries and watch Nicolas Sparks movies. It's heartbreaking really. I'm sure this is the biggest tragedy in the world right now (if you don't read that with sarcasm we probably couldn't be friends).
The Green Hills
Driving into Lexington means driving past the rolling green hills full of horses and country love. I feel a sense of calm when I pass the castle, knowing I am back again. I'm from Western Kentucky, so I'm used to lush green hills and fields after fields of corn/beans/whatever, but I swear there is something different about the Lexington landscape. Goodness Gracious I am so excited to be back.
Being Closer to my Grandparents
One set of grandparents live in Louisville, and I love being close enough to them to grab lunch or stay for the weekend when I need a break from school. I get undivided attention from two of my favorite people in the world, and if you know me you know that quality time is enough to keep me on cloud 9 for weeks. This is a perk I didn't know how much I appreciated until I really started taking advantage of it.
Capiluto's Yard
Whether I'm doing homework at a table on the patio, tucked up on a bench hidden away between trees reading a book, or just passing through between classes or meetings, this yard makes me feel so Lexington-esq. I love it.
WHEW I am SO excited for all of the above. I know it is going to look different, but I am holding out hope that I get a taste of it all. I LIVE for a good Caturday, for a soccer game with my friends (lol my fav soccer player left but you will still catch me in the stands - ps if you are that soccer player reading this, hey), and a baseball game with peanut m&m's and some great boyfriend shopping.
Church Y'all
I have been watching online church, but it is not the same!! I want to cry while worshipping in a crowd of other people who love Jesus. I want to talk to Jesus during communion. I also want to laugh and take notes in person listening to Scott and Jon. I want to walk in past the children's ministry and watch these wild kids hopped up on sugar, and I am even excited to navigate myself out of the parking lot. It's the little things ya know.