I had always played sports growing up. I played soccer, tennis, golf, swimming...plus some other ones here and there. All of the sports that I have listed use all different parts of your body and function all in their own way.
Once I began college, I tended to really slack on exercising because I was so caught up in the whole college life of making new friends, finding my way around campus, and doing all of the freshman "things" there are to do. I would go about twice a week to the gym, but the only time I could go was late at night and I really did not want to walk alone to and from my dorm so most of the times I just did not go.
My freshman year of college, my sister tore her first ACL. It absolutely crushed her. She was on her way to playing collegiate soccer at a great school. A year goes by and she is finally able to recover and is back on the soccer field for her senior year of high school. It is the fifth game of the season and she tears her ACL for the second time in a row! She was even more devastated than she was before. After tearing her ACL twice, she was completely inspired to do something completely different and hang up the cleats, unfortunately.
She decided that after she was fully recovered from her ACL tear she was determined to complete a half marathon. My sister has always been a phenomenal athlete and a stellar runner. She participated in cross-country throughout high school, so long distance running was definitely a niche for her. She trained long and hard and this past winter was able to complete her first half marathon at Disney, the most magical place on earth!
I am so happy for her and the person that she has become and how she overcame the challenge with her knees. Once my sister, Mia, tore her second ACL, I have had so much drive to get out there and get on a consistent schedule of exercising. Just about every single day, it is the first thing that I do when I wake up in the morning. It is so nice to get it out of the way in the morning and it is the perfect start to my day.
Nothing feels better than a fresh workout and waking yourself up with some cardio, weight, and ab training at 6 a.m.
Starting in October of 2018, I found BodyFit Lexington through one of the workout clubs that I was involved with on campus. BodyFit is unlike any gym that I have ever been to before, and trust me, I have been to a lot over the years. The trainers at BodyFit know how to push each person to their maximum level.
Throughout my time at BodyFit, I have developed so many new friendships and so many more goals for myself. It is something that I look forward to every day and that I know will make me feel 1000 times better once I get my one class in for the day. I have seen the progression in myself and was able to hold over a 4-minute plank the other day and won the plank challenge at BodyFit, which is something that I definitely would not have been able to do months ago.
My sister, Mia, has completely;y inspired me with her workout and fitness journey to train for my first half marathon!! With being a college student, I am not exactly sure when I will be able to participate and complete my first half marathon because of my schedule, but I am super excited to join my sisters' side as we take on this journey together!