“Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Do not bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.” - William Faulkner
I recently completed a rigorous seven week pledge process where I experienced immense personal, professional and leadership development. At the end of this process I was asked, “Do you feel as if you have reached your full potential?” It took me a while to think before I answered. My answer was no.
Of course I would love to have said that I have reached my full potential and that my growth has made me into the absolute best version of myself. However, that is not true. It is not true because there will never be a point where you will reach your full potential. If you are constantly trying to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and grow, your potential will grow with that.
As a baby your full potential was much less than your full potential as a toddler. Just like your full potential as a freshman in high school is different than your full potential as a freshman in college. Your potential increases as your skills, knowledge, and memories develop and grow.
After realizing this, I encouraged myself to never become complacent and to never stop working at bettering myself. I do this through little challenges each day. It doesn’t take much, but the results you will see are priceless.
Never stop working to better yourself.