We all have been there. That one exam that you should have studied for, but didn't. The exam that your teacher told you was 50% of your final grade and that it is necessary to pass the test to pass the class, but you still decided to wing it. And now it is the day of the exam and... I'll let Michael Scott explain the rest.
Before the exam
Maybe it will be easy. I studied for like a minute. I had to have retained some information in those sixty seconds. I mean, how bad could it be? Well, bad, but I'm holding out hope. It is go time.
Start of the exam
Feeling pretty good. I got the first page down and I think most of them are right. Not bad at all. I actually think I got this. Good grades here I come.
Middle of the multiple choice
Maybe this is the wrong test? I didn't even study and I'm not in tears? There must be a mistake? There has to be a mistake.
Last page of the multiple choice
Hold up. Is this even English? I knew it was too good to be true. I'm done. Nope. I've Failed. It's all over. Bye.
Start of the short answers
Tears are beginning to form. Already probably failed, but it is too late to drop the class now. Right?
Middle of the short answers
All hope is lost. There is no chance for redemption. No way I passed. Pretty sure we never learned any of this. At this point, any guess will do.
End of exam
I really should have studied. Can't wait to get back that 43%. I probably didn't even score that high.