As exam week is coming up, it is time for us to buckle down and hit the books. We need to live with our choices to study or not study this semester and try to get out grades up. Thankfully, we have a show like Parks and Rec to make light of this awful situation.
When you realize finals week is next week.
Then you remember all the work you have to do.
And you realize how screwed and unprepared you are.
You decide it's best to hit the library and get to studying.
You sit down with all intentions of studying but procrastination hits.
That amazing moment you actually study and feel like you finally learned something.
Then you decide to torture yourself and check your grades.
So you decide to email all of your professors to try and get extra credit.
They say no, so you start to do calculations about the lowest grade you could get on the exam and still pass the class.
It is not looking good so you start to question why you are even going to college...
It is time to take your exams after hours and hours of preparation.
Finally, you're done!! Time to celebrate your success of failure, at least its over :).
Good luck to everyone on their exams and start studying!