To my friends & family,
It is, unfortunately, a time we all dread immensely. I am very sorry to inform you that the college exam week is just around the corner. I know it may not seem so terrible but I promise there is nothing remotely fun about them.
As this time of year comes to a start I would just like to apologize to you in advance and give you a few days notice for my absence for the next few days. If you need to find me your best bet is to look for me at Starbucks, the library or even the study room at my apartment complex.
I would also like to pre-warn my bank account, I am sorry for the negative funds you are about to have because of the number of coffee runs I will be making. I am sorry but the only way a college student can make it through exam week is by living off coffee.
The exhaustion I am about to incur is nowhere close to what you have ever experienced before. Let's just say that sleep is not a thing. And if it is, it is not the greatest of sleep - that is for sure. Exam week brings on a load of exhaustion, one that you can't just sleep off in a night or two. So, if I come home for winter break and I sleep for a few days don't be too concerned.
After this week I promise that I will be more present and you'll definitely hear back from me. For now, though, don't accept many calls. Just know and feel a little bad for me because my head is mostly stuck inside my textbook as I am trying to learn an entire semesters worth of knowledge.
I hope you understand this struggle that I am dealing with. Just trying to finish the semester off strong and winter break on a high note.
Speak to you soon!
Love always,
A stressed-out college student