We all know it's in the air, we can sense it. It's kind of like that lyric from the 1975, "I know when you're around because I know the sound of your heart," except it's "I know the sound of your test." Basically every college student's nightmare is coming true around the end of September, because it means Exam 1 is underway for most of our classes.
Nightly Starbucks runs are inevitable, as are weekly panic attacks and the occasional *throws self on floor* bit. One of my favorite TV characters, Dr. Christina Yang, summarizes our feelings perfectly.
1. Why did I take this class in the first place?
The first question on your mind when September exams roll around is usually why you put yourself in this situation in the first place. It's always tough to go back to studying after a long summer, especially when you are not ready for the fun and games to end.
2. Is the universe punishing me for everything I didn't do syllabus week?
Syllabus week was a definite blast for most of us. Whether we partied all week or watched Netflix like couch potatoes, it was fun. Now you can't help but wonder if the universe hates you for not taking syllabus week seriously.
3. I need coffee.
"I need coffee in an IV." -Lorelei Gilmore. This basically sums it up.
4. How many days ago did I shower?
Google reminds me I am hallucinating the fact that I showered because I don't know if I did or if I didn't and in fact I probably don't even know what day it is. My pre-health friends can relate to this one I'm sure because they have pulled way too many all-nighters.
5. How many feet is it actually from this window to the bottom?
I am guilty of looking out the window, staring at the grass and wondering how far down it was. No I would never seriously ask myself that, but it was a nice distraction instead of studying for my exams.
6. Should I eat or sleep or study some more?
By 10 pm in Library West, I am either starving, exhausted or obsessing about how much is left to study. The answer to the latter is probably "not much" but the ensuing panic attack says otherwise.
7. Why is Library West full?
Why oh why are all the seats in quiet study taken? I just ask for one seat to study, just one. We can all relate to the moment when you are so ready to get down to study and basically the world says, sorry no room for you.
8. Is it too late to drop out of life in general?
I don't even mean drop out of college, I mean drop out of life. Obviously this is not feasible. But, I like to imagine myself off the coast of the Greek islands sitting in the sun taking a break from it all.
9. What time does Starbucks close tonight?
Starbucks is essential to my focus on study nights. Long nights mean lots and lots of coffee and food. When I cannot bring my own food or coffee, I need a 24/7 Starbucks on hand to keep my human form.
10. Is it socially acceptable to sleep on a desk?
Sleeping on a desk has never ever been part of my bucket list. It is not something I would willingly choose to do. However, it is a necessary evil in the Exam 1 world.
11. Can I wear pajamas for the next week?
I don't need to be beautiful I just need to be brilliant and graduate college. Pajamas are definitely an acceptable source of clothing for the next few weeks, at least I'm telling myself that.
12. I need to put my phone down and pay attention.
I am guilty of glancing at my phone every time I get bored studying. I really need to put it down but I can't because Exam 1 studying has me trying to crawl out of my own body.
13. What even is chemistry?
This is for my pre-health friends who stare at their ridiculously hard exams in hatred after studying for 234783498 hours. Dear all science majors, I sincerely apologize for all you have to endure and wish you the best always.
14. Is financial accounting real or is it a myth?
Literally what is financial accounting? It is too crazy to even put into words and I am losing sleep just thinking about taking the first exam.
15. Seriously, is it too late to drop out?
We're back to this. Is it really too late to drop out or can I overcome this all?
Good luck to everyone during this crazy hair-pulling, coffee filled season. May the odds be ever in your favor.