Dear ex who shall not be named,
Yes, everyone in our hometown that doesn’t live under a rock will know who this is about, but that’s not the point. The point of me writing this is to let you know I’m no longer hurting. Even though it can’t be reversed, the scars you made have finally healed.
In the beginning, everything was wonderful, but somewhere along the line you changed. Every little thing that went wrong in your life somehow became my fault, and over time I accepted that. That’s where the problem started. I should’ve never allowed the anger you felt and the stress you were under to become my responsibility. I was already under enough pressure of my own, and eventually, I couldn’t take it anymore. You broke me. The light inside me finally burned out. But, here is where the story changes.
After we ended, I went through some dark times when I came to college, but in the end came out stronger. You said I was immature, so I grew up. You said I wasn’t committed enough, so I became more committed to God. You said I couldn’t be what I wanted to, so guess what, I am. I have finally found my light again, and you can’t take if away from me anymore.
So finally, I just want you to know I’m not mad. I’m not hurt. I’m not broken. I’m just finally me, and no one is going to ruin that. I know your life isn’t where it needs to be right now, but I hope some day you can say that you’ve found your light again. Until then, I leave you with a thank you. Without being broken, I would’ve never had to piece myself back together, and that is the greatest experience I’ve had so far.
The girl who is whole again