I've been contemplating this letter for a while now after seeing how good you're doing at your university and how you've made good friends and also because of how I miss you. I'm not writing this out of spite or jealousy I'm just trying to write to get it off my mind. So, here goes. To my ex-best friend I want you to know that I'm sorry for the way we ended things. I'm sorry I would've rather hung out with a boy who didn't give a crap about me rather than hanging out with you. I'm sorry for the nights that I was too busy dealing with my own crap that I wasn't there for you and yours. I'm sorry I didn't listen anytime you ever told me to leave a stupid boy because he was treating me like trash. I'm sorry for the little fights we used to get in for absolutely no reason even though with time we would get over it. I'm sorry for the way I was to you when you were always there for me. But, I'm happy to see how you've made friends at your university. I'm happy to see that you are finally growing away from home rather than staying at home. You've always been a free spirit and I knew you wanted to get away. I'm happy you aren't trying to hang out with stupid boys from our high school anymore. I'm happy to see when you post a Snapchat story smiling or hanging out with your new friends. We grew apart, but that doesn't mean I can't still cheer for you from afar.
I miss the times we had in class or out of class. I miss driving around or going to Steak N Shake with the boys. I miss the fun times we had even though they're over now. I really wish things wouldn't have turned out like they did, but they did. Thanks for continually still liking my Instagram pictures and whatever else of mine you like. I'm happy that you seem happy. I'm happy to know that you've made friends where you are currently. And you seem mostly content with your life. Your free spirit and soul will take you wherever you want to go and you will always have fun with it. We may not be best friends anymore, but I will always be cheering you on because I never wanted things to end the way they did.