Dear ex-best friends,
The way things ended was unexpected, considering at one point we were inseparable. Sometimes I sit here and randomly think about all the amazing memories we made. I catch myself sitting here wondering what I did to make you just up and leave?
We had so many sleepless nights just staying up talking about life or the guys we thought were attractive - just like any best friends would do! We went on vacations together and they were definitely interesting, to say the least. We also went to football games, hockey games, and many more things, and now we don't even speak.
There will always be those "what if things didn't change" thoughts or the "I wish I got to experience this with you." I see all your Instagram posts of how great your life is going now and wonder what it would be like if I was still part of your life, or watch your stories on Snapchat and think wow, I wish I could be a part of that. Although I miss you so much, some days I know things will never be the same again. We can walk by each other a million times and we will act like we have never even spoken a day in our lives and that kills me deep down. I guess everything happens for a reason... Maybe I don't understand that reason right now, but I'm sure it's for the best.
Don't even get me started on all the photos and videos we took together. I recently got the "your phone is low on space" message. It wanted me to delete photos and videos, but I couldn't bring myself to delete any of them because what if one day I need them? I look back at the pictures and all the memories come rushing back and I start to think, wow I miss her.
I also want to thank you. I want to thank you for being the first long term friend I thought I had. Also thank you for sharing some amazing times with me. As I sit here and wonder how you are doing, I am also betting you don't think about how I am doing and that breaks my heart. I know people grow up and have different lives, but it kills me to know we used to spend every single day together. Now here we are a few years later, no calls, no texts, nothing. I see you are happy, though... Thank god for social media! But, all I have now are the memories and you are nowhere to be found.
RelationshipsSep 04, 2020
To My Ex-Best Friends, I'll Always Cherish Our Time Together
Maybe I don't understand the reason right now, but I'm sure it's for the best.