The quote above, belonging to the iconic Kanye West, is strong and honest.
But it's only half true.
We are not just promised death. We are promised something that influences us mentally, emotionally, physically. West forgot something that we as beings are always guaranteed. We are guaranteed change.
We are always changing. Though some may think otherwise.
Have you ever heard the saying "People never change?" The banality and false adaptation of this sentence has convinced the world that change is only granted to few, or none at all. However, people change every day. Though they may not have changed their attitude towards "that one girl," or, "that one boss," they have still grown in some aspect.
Try logging into Facebook (that is, if you have one), and click on your profile picture. Hit the left arrow. Now go back and forth between the two. Do you notice anything different? How about when your mom pulls out those baby pictures to show "that one guy?" Do you still look like a baby?
I hope not.
Think about how hard it must have been to solve 2+2 when you were in kindergarten. Is it hard now? No. Why? Because you have changed.
The point I am trying to get at is that everyone changes. We grow taller. We grow with intelligence. We grow with passion and new perspectives. We change.
Yes we are promised death, the "not knowing" part of life. And yes, change can also find it's place under that category. To be promised something can be scary, but we shouldn't worry.
We can make decisions in how we style our hair, what educational path we will take and how we will develop and control our emotions. We have a say in what's promised. We can decide whether we buckle our seat belts, or whether we become greater beings through effort and passion.
We control life's promises. These promises are kept only when life offers them as unbreakable.
Throughout our lives, we will see death and change lock pinkies. We will see the fate of a single promise. However, that doesn't mean that we just sit and wait. We are on this Earth to make a name for ourselves. We were made to change, to reach our full potentials.
Just remember, we are promised more in life than the notion of a life lived only to be lost.