Remember when Christmas was all about Santa and Rudolph when we were all kids? The excitement and preparation for Santa's arrival all throughout the day of Christmas Eve. I remember being a little kid spreading "reindeer food" throughout the yard and setting up the milk and cookies. I remember wanting all the toys that I loved. I remember waking up on Christmas morning at like seven in the morning and waking the whole family, to run downstairs knowing "Santa came!"
I also remember being nine years old and my older brother ruining my life (just kidding) by telling me Santa wasn't real. I cried for a good couple of minutes. I thought that Christmas would never be the same, but that wasn't true. I actually think it taught me to be more appreciative and as for less. I realized it was my parent's doing whatever they could to give me a good Christmas.
I remember being thirteen and starting to become a sassy little teenager and wanting makeup, a new phone, an iPod, or whatever was cool back in 2011. As I had just begun to become appreciative, new things were "cool" and my greediness struck back up.
Now I'm older, there's no more Santa, no more Rudolph, or elves, but it's not a bad thing. I've grown from wanting every single toy to being able to just enjoy spending time with my family. Now being eighteen years old today, three days before Christmas, wanting only a handful of things. I've learned now that I don't need everything brand new or everything that is considered cool now. I know that my parents will go above and beyond (which is not necessary may I add, but greatly appreciated). I am more than thankful and happy to have finished my first semester of college to come home to spend the holidays with my family and my boyfriend. It's not about the "things," it's about spending time with the people you're closest too and enjoying the company and of course enjoy the gifts too. Oh, and especially enjoy the food.
Although Christmas has evolved over the years, it's evolved into something bigger and better and more meaningful. Merry Christmas everyone!