The term we all seem to use: “It’s fine.”
It’s normally used sarcastically, but why look at it as a sarcastic remark when life really is fine? We all have our bad days and our good days, but I always like to remember that everything happens for a reason, which means life really is fine.
Speaking to my generation, we are young and have a lot of life in front of us. Whether you are just graduating high school or just graduating college, there is no need to sweat the small stuff, and as cliché as that sounds, it is absolutely true.
You will meet the love of your life one day. You will find a job that supports you financially. You will pay off your student loans, and you will find a way to pay your bills. You will lose friends close to you, and you will make new friends. You will become comfortable with your body figure, and you will live life to the fullest.
Finding the love of your life can take time. Some are lucky by finding their high school and college sweethearts, but love can come at any point in your life, and waiting for “the one” is better than settling for someone you aren’t entirely sure about, so it’s fine.
Your dream job is out there, and if you fight for it, you will find it. You will make the money that you need to make to live a happy, comfortable life, and you will pave the way for you and your family, so it’s fine.
Your student loans may be a concern in your life right now, but you will pay them off when you fight for that dream job. Remember, just because you don’t pay those student loans off tomorrow, doesn’t mean you never will, and those loans helped you get your dream job, so it’s fine.
There are people in your life that will come and go, and they come and go for a reason. Losing a friend can be tough. Sometimes friends leave for certain reasons, and some friendships just drift apart. I have found that losing friends frees up room for new friends, so it’s fine.
Right now, hitting the gym may not be our first priority. Our generation is busy. We work minimum wage jobs to pay off loans, bills, and support ourselves so we don’t have to rely on our parents, and sometimes life gets too hectic to worry about our health. Our health is, of course, important, and always will be, but if you want to eat that burger and fries and that bowl of ice cream, do it, because it’s fine.
We are young and thriving, and when you sarcastically say, “it’s fine,” you are forgetting that everything really is fine. The bad grade you got on a test won’t matter in the grand scheme of things, the boy that never texted you back won’t matter when you meet the man you are meant to be with, and the night you got a little too drunk will be a story you laugh about one day.
So just remember, everything’s fine.