This is it. This is the last year you will be in school full time. The last years have been full of amazing friendships (and some not so good ones), overwhelming course loads (who thought 21 hours was a good idea at the time?), too much caffeine (is there such thing as a quadruple shot of espresso in a shot of espresso?) and industrial packages of Ramen noodles.
I want to be the first to say congrats! You have finally made it to the final step before complete adulthood. You feel that panic setting in? Yea, that's the same for 92% of the seniors about to start classes. To make this finale the best one yet (does high school even count?) I have compiled an Ultimate Bucket List for y'all to accomplish and leave a legacy behind with memories for you to keep forever!
Take a Road Trip with Friends.
Whether the trip is a state away (so far in Texas) or even just a couple of hours away, take that trip with your best buds and blow off some steam by being just a little irresponsible. Mardi Gras in New Orleans Is a lot of fun I heard, plus hello the food?!
Attend at least one game for each sport.
A football game, basketball game, lacrosse game and every other sport your school hosts. Go to at least one, you need to experience it at least once in your college career.
Go to a Winery or Beer Garden.
There is just something sophisticated and adult-like about getting drunk off of 10 different kinds of beer and wine.
Pull an All Nighter.
Whether it is for school or for a part, you have to pull an all nighter at least once in your college career. Just don't do it too often, as you can become sickly and not stay your gorgeous self.
Study Abroad.
I cannot tell you how amazing of an experience it was to go to a different country and learn all you can about that country. I was only gone for 12 days but, still it was amazing and I couldn't have found better friends while over there. I met so many people that I still keep in touch with and can not wait to go back and visit the great country of Ireland again!
Join a Club.
This is a great resume pad and an amazing way to meet people who are just like you! I have met amazing women through Delta Phi Epsilon and SEPA (Student Event Planner's Association). I have also met some amazing men and women through the Odyssey Online Writing that I have been doing for the past year or so.
Attend a Theme Party (or Throw One)
You have to attend at least one theme party. It can happen at any time but, Halloween is the most popular theme party because who wouldn't want to be something else for a few hours?
Get on the Dean's List.
College is an amazing way to challenge yourself academically. Being on the Dean's List is one way to show that you are as bright as you think.
Attend a Music Festival.
LARRY JOE TAYLOR. Even if you don't drink you have to attend LJT at least once. It is so much fun to experience it with friends and listen to Texas Country Music.
There are so many more things you should do in school. Some of them are good and some of them are bad but, college is all about finding yourself and doing what makes you happy. Don't stress about the logistics because your family will always love you.