Skin is weird. When you really think about it, the skin on our face is different from the skin anywhere else on our bodies. It is more sensitive, it is softer, and it is always the first thing people see. Here is the exact skin routine you need.
1. Know your skin.
What type of skin do you have - oily, dry, sensitive, combination. Skin routines and products vary for everyone. The things that work for me don't work for my mom. Everyone's skin is different so don't follow this word for word.
2. W A T E R
Hydrate!!!! Hydrate!!!! Hydrate!!!!! This may or may not make a difference for you, but I promise at the end of the day your skin will thank you.
3. Wash twice a day
I personally use a GENTLE exfoliant every morning and a cleanser at night. This helps my skin a lot, especially with blackheads, but can be really harmful to other people. No matter what you use, you need to wash your face twice a day, this will help clean your skin and make sure you have a fresh face to moisturize.
4. MoisturizeÂ
Whether your skin is dry or oily or whatever, moisturize. If your skin is oily, moisturizer can help dry it out so it isn't over producing and causing blemishes. Dry skin, obviously this speaks for itself.
5. Listen to your skin.
Your skin talks to you. Through dry spots, pimples, wrinkles, anything, your skin is constantly telling you exactly what it needs. Pay attention to it and figure it out.