Everything You Need to Know About a Perimeter LED Display
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Everything You Need to Know About a Perimeter LED Display

Perimeter LED

Everything You Need to Know About a Perimeter LED Display

A perimeter LED display is a kind of outdoor digital display that is mounted around an arena or sports stadium. It typically consists of a matrix of pixels formed by an array of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that can display dynamic video, graphics, and text. Live sports events, instant replays, advertisements, and other video content are frequently displayed on the display. Because of their high brightness, contrast, and resolution, perimeter LED displays are ideal for outdoor applications that require vivid, clear imagery.

Our perimeter LED screens are popular for FIFA projects, top leagues in various nations, Olympic Games, and World Cups due to their high brightness, wide viewing angle, high refresh rate, dependable quality, and ease of installation. The LED display around the stadium meets the UEFA standard.

Perimeter Stadium LED Display Specifications

Large Viewing Angle

Our sports PTCLed Stadium LED Display offers a viewing angle of up to 160 degrees. When we play videos or images, the visual effect is excellent due to the high refresh rate of 3840 Hz.

Backup Power Supply

In order to comply with UEFA Technical Requirements, the stadium's LED display screen will never be disconnected. equipped with a dual supply solution and dual signal.

Soft Mask Protection

Stadium LED Screen makes use of a private mold-processed soft mask made of aluminum alloy that requires special craftsmanship. It has excellent anti-collision performance.

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What Are the Benefits of Our LED Perimeter Screen?

Reliable Protection and Adjustability

The main difference between the other series of perimeter led screens is that the perimeter led screens come with a soft plastic mask to protect the players from injury if they accidentally hit the screen in the stadium. It has a back-supporting stand that allows you to change the viewing angle of the screen.

Excellent Visual Effects

The stadium LED screen can provide us with amazing visual effects whether we are inside or outside due to its high brightness (up to 10,000 nits), high refresh rate (up to 3840 Hz), and gray scale (up to 14 bits).

Stable Performance

The perimeter led screen can provide you with HD picture performance both indoors and outdoors because we use high-quality SMD LEDs and excellent PCB design.

Where can we put our LED Perimeter display to use?

The display can be put up all over the stadium. It has a powerful visual impact, which you can imagine. Companies that own sports infrastructure use our perimeter LED screens frequently to install in stadiums, both indoors and outdoors. They are typically utilized in racetracks, multipurpose sports facilities, sports halls, stadiums, and other professional sports applications. LED displays in sports stadiums include LED video screens, perimeter LED banner screens, and a LED scoreboard. The stadium LED display design is adaptable to both temporary and permanent installations. To instantly manage the content of the display, sophisticated stadium software is utilized.

Which sports stadium LED display accessories should be included and what do they do?

LED Video Processor:The video processor can handle a variety of signal inputs, including HDMI, DP, and others.

In the meantime, it also has mosaic, picture-in-picture, fade-in and fade-out, and other video features.

Control Box:It has cards for sending and receiving. The information is sent from the sending card to the receiving card, which then receives the signal from the PC and displays it on the screen. The perimeter LED display system resembles a brain.

The optical fiber cable and the optical fiber converter make up the optical fiber system. Why do we use these devices for the LED screen in our sports stadium?

The network cable has a maximum distance of approximately 100 meters. However, as is common knowledge, the control room is typically more than 100 meters from the court. Because of this, the optical fiber system is desired.

Because optical fiber transmits signals over distances of several kilometers or even decades, and because the signal transmission is more stable.

How to Select the Correct Perimeter LED Display ?

LED perimeter panels are used to construct stadiums by sports facility owners and corporations. Common applications include ballparks, sports venues, racetracks, and other sports venues. Based on the activity and your needs, the modular design of the LED perimeter screens can lighten the area. To promote the advertisers and their marketing strategies, you can construct displays at both ends of the venue.

Because they are modular, they can be placed behind the goal and on the large side. Consider the following when selecting the appropriate perimeter display:

Consider the Environment

Depending on the purpose of the purchase, this could be an exterior or interior LED perimeter display. Both indoor LED displays and outdoor LEDs will require a larger purchasing budget.

Choose the Right Size

There is no denying that the content produced by a LED is more noticeable the larger it is. However, you must always take into account the range across which potential customers will view the digital marketing panel.

Depending on the quality, the images may be seen if the distance between them is too small. Consider smaller, higher-quality LED displays whenever the crowd is only a few kilometers from the outdoor perimeter led display to avoid this.

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