Every Sunday when you pick up your weekly newspaper and flip through you might come across the horoscope section. Astrological signs according to when you were born claim to predict your personality and life events. Each sign is unique, especially the Gemini.
Gemini's, also know as the twins, can have very split personalities. As a gemini myself I can attest to this. To me the twins represent the multiple layers to a gemini. They often have a personality that they should in public but also a very different one that they show in private. Gemini's can be one of the best people to associate with but they can also be the worse. Gemini's want to know everything about you but they will be hesitant to tell you everything about themselves. You can try all you want to understand them but you never truly will. Here are some situations that define a gemini.
First Impressions
Gemini's can be quick to make first impressions. They want to be right about everything so they will not initially take the time to make a proper judgement. But due to their social nature they will eventually begin to find out your true person.
Gemini's can be overly concerned when it comes to relationships. Whether it be romantic or friendly gemini's will do their best to please. A gemini does not want to be disliked therefore you may find them reaching out on a limb to stay on your good side.
Gemini's are usually the most honest people, not due to their good morale but because they can't keep a secret. They truly want to earn your trust but they also want to earn a million other people's trust so sometimes things slip. Usually this is harmless, they can be trusted with a big secret if you emphasize it's importance.
Sometimes you may find yourself asking why a gemini is freaking out. We're passionate people so we are prone to getting into petty arguments for no reasons. This can often give you the impression that we're hotheaded and have a short temper, and although this can be true we normally can't stay angry for long.
Although gemini's can't stay angry for long, they are extremely stubborn. They can hold a grudge forever so if you find yourself on a gemini's bad side don't expect them to be the bigger man and apologize.
Although gemini's often come with a lot of baggage, they will always be the life of the party. Being a gemini I can tell you that we are not all the same. At one point or another, our inner twins will show, but some gemini's have learned to tame the twins. If there's anything that you should take away from all of this it is that gemini's are the complexity that may be missing from your life.