If you watch the Bachelor (which I would highly suggest if you do not) then there is probably one character in particular that you absolutely despise. That character being Olivia Caridi. I'm not sure if it is her psychotic personality or the way she describes Bachelor Ben Higgins as her piece, but either way each time Olivia gets a rose, all of America cringes. Here are some of the best Olivia moments from the Bachelor season thus far:
To begin, she somehow won the First Impression rose and will never let that go. Ever.
The most common Olivia-ism is likely the "Can I steal you for a minute?" Except it is always longer for a minute and usually also includes her interrupting the polite girls who just wanted five minutes with dear Ben.
When Olivia thought she was getting that one-on-one date and her mouth stretched to new levels.
Thank God she didn't get it, Ben shouldn't have to suffer like that.
She lets every small victory blow a fraction of air into her already ginormous head. Like when she won the Love Lab challenge and dramatically talked down on everyone about how Ben loves science. As if Ben can just casually overlook your naturally psychotic nature and go for her purely based on body chemistry.
One of my favorites is the oh-so-cocky line: "I'm going to be Olivia Higgins. Let's just end the show now."
Oh and we can't forget when one of her Ben sessions was over and she said: "So now I'm done, now everybody have at it, I hope you can respect that."
We can't forget when Rachel got injured playing soccer and Olivia directly said, "Rachel is holding back tears, you can tell she is in a lot of pain-but true to Rachel she gets right back up again and says "I'm gonna finish this game", which I'm thrilled about, I'm just gonna take advantage of it." Cue Olivia's creepy wide-mouthed smile at the end of her plan to dominate the soccer game.
Olivia rudely interrupts Ben's group chat to steal him, once again (I think someone could make a drinking game out of every time she asks to steal Ben..) and leans over the balcony to taunt the other girls and later brags about their "secret" location.
"There is a mutual understanding that we both need time together." No.. no there isn't Olivia he just thinks your crazy but has to talk to you because that is how the show goes.
That time she described him pushing off of her thigh when he stood up as a sign that he "gets" her. Oh and that she doesn't always get roses because "he knows that would just be unfair to the other girls". No Olivia, its because he wants to give them to other girls, you are delusional.
The most infuriating incident with dearest Olivia was when Ben had two close family members pass away and asks for comforting in his time of sorrow and our dear sweet Olivia steals him to talk about HER CANKLES.
All the times she refers to Ben as her husband *eye roll*. Honey, he is currently dating 10 other women. This isn't Sister Wives, it's the Bachelor and you have definitely not won (and hopefully won't).
There is always the classic "Ben is like, my piece" phrase. I would like to personally thank whoever created this meme with Amanda Bynes from She's the Man, truly a spectacular job.
And the equally annoying "I'm Zen with Ben."
One of the best Olivia moments was the oh-so graceful talent show fiasco. She decides to "wing-it" with a promiscuous costume and looks all kinds of pathetic. After embarrassing herself and Ben she fakes a panic attack in an attempt to look less crazy although it didn't help her case much. This is all incredibly ironic because before pulling this stunt she stated "I don't get embarrassed by anything."
I think Amanda summed up Olivia's cringe-worthy performance best. "I don't really know if jumping out of a cake and kicking your legs is a talent..."
She interrupted Jen and blatantly said she didn't care about anyone else's relationship with Ben. I honestly do not believe Olivia could get anymore disrespectful. Her only concern is her and Ben's non-progressing relationship and apologizing to Ben a thousand times for things he does not care about.
Let us not forget the time Olivia lied to JoJo and said her "love" for Ben was reciprocated when it wasn't at all. Maybe she forgot that she was being filmed? Because if it were me I wouldn't lie when millions of people are going to know I am a pathological liar.
All of America as we unhappily watch Olivia proceed to yet another episode....
I'm sure in weeks to come good ol' Olivia will make America fall further and further in hate with her. We can also just hope she doesn't get a rose this coming week! *fingers crossed*