There comes a time in everyone's life where you are just simply at a lose. No answers seem clear, no choice seems right, nothing is simple. What do you do? My answer is: nothing. Give yourself some time just to let whatever it is in your life rest. Humans are such emotions creatures, and we often react impulsively even when we think we aren't. Our minds are so crafty. We can trick ourselves into believing just about anything, so sometimes we just truly don't know what we think. And you know what? That is okay. It is okay to not be okay.
We live in a world where everyone thinks they have to have it all together all the time. It just doesn't matter how hard you try, sometimes life is just going to happen. It is going to be messy and hard and sometimes painful, but you are going to come out on the other side.
As a college student, some of us will work ourselves all the way to a stomach ulcer before we get the hint that not everything is about making the grade. I just misspelled that while typing and I accidently originally typed "grave" coincidence? I think not... Anyway in all due seriousness, your health: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, all of it is too important to sacrifice for whatever you stress about the most in your life.
I had the opportunity to listen to the best speaker I have ever had the pleasure of hearing (Lindsay Boccardo look her up) and she truly opened my eyes. I have never really set boundaries for my personal well being. But I learned that you need to unapologetically. If you need sleep like I do, then don't compromise on that. If you need to have alone time, then make sure you set aside time for just you. Take care of yourself.
You can't win all the time. But if you fail to lead a balanced life then you are only setting yourself up for your next hard loss. So truly what I am I trying to say in the most roundabout fashion is, that it is okay to not have all the answers. It is okay to not have everything together all the time. It is okay to not be okay.
The only thing I could recommend is giving yourself time. Give your heart time to calm down. Give your brain a minute to reset. Take how ever long you need to sort out where you are, but in the meantime just take care of you. As Lindsay says, keep your battery charged. You are so much more than your grades, your looks, your style, and your past. You have a brain so fill it up with goodness, and a heart that needs love. Find the things that make you happy, and the rest will come. That I can promise.