In February 2018, Netflix premiered its coming-of-age television show "Everything Sucks." The show has made a huge impact on my life because of how it explored many things that high school teenagers go through but in a 90s setting. Here are 10 key points that gave the show such a great edge.
Kate and Emmaline's relationship
Since the beginning of the series, Kate had a crush on Emaline. Eventually, they share a kiss and express their feelings toward one another. Because they have a newfound love, the show writers could have explored the many ups and downs of their taboo relationship. Sadly, they did not have a chance to. On the bright side, the series ended with them ending up with each other and I am eternally grateful.
The musicÂ
From Tori Amos to Oasis, this show paid homage to '90s music that we have loved or forgotten about. The soundtrack is beyond phenomenal and gave the show great value.
High school in the 1990s
Boring High School took us back to 1996 by its great depiction of the everyday high schooler. There were discmans, silly bands, and concerts where people were not recording on their phones. What is left in store for Boring High School's A.V. Club or Drama Club?
Oliver Schermerhorn's NYC dreams
Oliver has to be one of my favorite characters of all time because he has a vibe of a guy that is confident and always fights for what he wants. Before completing the A.V. club's homemade alien invasion movie, Oliver gets on a bus on the way to New York City. Does he make it as a huge Broadway star? Does he return to Boring? At least he will be suave and cool while doing it.
Luke's enstranged father
Throughout the course of the show, Luke watched his dad's old tapes to gain inspiration. But during the final episode, Luke's returns and the screen goes to black before we know if Sherry and Luke answered the door. What happens afterward? Does his return cause drama for Ken and Sherry? Will Luke ever forgive him?
The actors are phenomenal
A show about teens played by teens? I approve that message. All the teen actors are shining stars and will make it far in Hollywood, especially Peyton Kennedy, the 14-year old actress who played Kate Messner.
Ken and Sherry
Ken Messner and Sherry O'Neil bring out the best in one another, and their relationship is very refreshing to see on the show. It was a twist to see how Luke's mother and Kate's dad end up together. What many adventures await for this adult couple? One may never know. All we have are the cute scenes like when they threw toilet paper at a house and swam at the high school's swimming pool.
Luke, Tyler, and McQuaid's friendship
If "Everything Sucks" had a second season, it could have continued to follow the high school lives of Luke, Tyler, and McQuaid. Their everyday conversations seemed to make them think and learn from each other. What would have been nice was to see them attend their first high school party, cause chaos around the school, first girlfriends, etc.
Exploration of teenage sexualityÂ
Kate's storyline of figuring out her sexuality is what made the show very special. It was an important feature in the show that Kate owns up to who she truly is. Kate admitting to Emaline that she has feelings for her was one of the most emotional and raw scenes that I have ever seen. "And then, tonight I looked at these people, and I thought maybe there's a future where I don't have to be a freak. Maybe I can be who I am and that's okay."
 Comedic, romantic, and riveting
All in all, this show made me feel many different emotions. There were moments where I laughed, cried, yelled, and smiled. Thoughout the season, I fell in love with each of the characters and saw their growth.
Though the show has been canceled, the impact it has left behind is monumental. All we can do is wonder what could have been with our favorite Boring High School students. May banana slug live on forever and we continue being each other's wonderwalls (Oasis reference, ya dig?).