She’s back! (Or is she dead?) The new Taylor Swift has been making waves with her latest single "Look What You Made Me Do," releasing the music video Sunday Night during the MTV Video Music Awards. While many are commenting on the darker, edgier, Swift one thing has certainly not changed: her attention to detail.
Many fans have taken to the internet to uncover hidden gems within the video like the tombstone reading "Nils Sjoberg" (the pseudonym she used to write Calvin Harris's "This is What You Came For"); the dollar bill lying in her bath tub of jewels representing her winnings from her sexual assault trial against DJ Mueller; and her t-shirt at the end clad with the names of her best friends, including Todrick who is actually a dancer in the video. But if you watch closely, you’ll realize the entire video parody is wrought with specific references to many scandals in the pop star’s life. Here are some moments that you may have overlooked the first time around.
It starts with her (reputation’s) death
It’s important to note that the video begins with her zombie emerging from a grave wearing her blue dress from the Out of the Woods music video, the last video from 1989, symbolizing the end of that era of Swift. As she’s pouring dirt on top of her own deceased body, the video shifts to her sitting in a bathtub filled with diamonds. It’s a flashback to when she was still “alive”. This is meaningful because it’s showing that the video is not depicting her life after death; rather, the whole thing is telling the story of how she ended up “dead” in the first place.
She’s wearing stiletto nails
Her throne says et tu brute
She drinks tea (but that’s none of my business)
Trolls, anyone? Taylor has thrown shade at naysayers before singing haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate and asking Why you gotta be so mean? but now she’s throwing shade right back at those who regularly throw shade at others on the internet. One of the most popular memes and gifs for passive aggressive online comments is Kermit sipping on some tea. It’s a stretch, but perhaps Taylor is imitating her online trolls by partaking in some tea herself.
She addresses the car crash that is Katy Perry’s career
A gold car crashes into a pole with an over accessorized female trapped inside. She’s jostled but quickly strikes a provocative pose and is photographed by the audience of nearby paparazzi and photographers. She is then shown holding up a Grammy and the angle of her wig bears a striking resemblance to Katy Perry. This could be a suggestion that Katy Perry is running her career into the ground (or, in this case, a pole) with mediocre tracks like Bon Appetit and Swish, Swish all in hopes of receiving a pervasive Grammy award which Perry has yet to snag. Perhaps Katy’s over the top antics and ploys for attention are a result of the responsive media… Look what you made Katy do.
She robs streaming companies
She’s an evil dictator with a squad army
What started out as a healthy display of female comradery has, like most aspects of Swift’s personal life, earned a negative stigma. Swift’s closest female friends are referred to as her squad. Swift has received criticism that her squad is too exclusive, that it only includes rail thin supermodels, that it isn’t ethnically diverse, and that maybe it’s all just for show. In her video, Taylor depicts a lifeless army of perfectly sculpted females with nearly identical facial features, hairstyles, and body types that all heed to her every whim. She even lays on a pile of their collapsed bodies, suggesting their disposable and replaceable nature.She bursts in on her backup dancers like Meryl Streep from The Devil Wears Prada
Katy and Tay have had beef for so long that it’s hard to remember it all started with a few backup dancers. Dancers who had previously worked with Katy asked if they could tour with Taylor. Perry gave her permission, but said she may be touring at the same time and advised the dancers to adjust their contracts so they could get out of them if need be. The dancers jumped ship mid-tour and joined Katy, who they claimed they had a closer relationship with because she was more “accessible”. Taylor showed just how inaccessible she can be in this video, bursting in on her dancers and causing more anxiety than Miranda Priestly walking into the office.
She brought “I Heart T.S.” shirts
Remember when Tom Hiddleston was photographed at Taylor’s Fourth of July party wearing a tank top that read “I <3 T.S.”? The internet certainly does. Photos of Hiddleston were plastered everywhere. It was later explained that Tom had borrowed the shirt from one of Swifty’s squad members, which of course led to backlash that Taylor is self-absorbed enough to force people around her to wear shirts with her initials on them. If she didn’t before, she certainly does now. Each of her backup dancers sports a shirt clearly reading “I <3 T.S.”.
She destroys a plane… The left wing
This is perhaps the most subtle detail in the LWYMMD video. Brief clips between the beginning of her group’s choreographed dance number show Taylor with a chainsaw standing on the left wing of a plane. She destroys the wing, detaching it from the plane altogether. This could be a reference to her political silence. Taylor did not publicly endorse a candidate in the 2016 election. She has been called out for staying silent; some even blame her for Hillary’s loss. In a way, she destroyed left wing politics. While it’s silly to blame one pop star for the outcome of an entire presidential election, Taylor may be eluding to her proposed responsibility for weakening a political party.
Her reputation has killed her accomplishments
She would very much like to be excluded from this narrative
The closing lines suggest that Taylor would love to have a career that is not plagued by topical drama but instead focuses on her music. However, after years of experience, it seems that Swift has discovered this dream may be an impossibility. So now, instead of running from her reputation, she’s using it. She knows what we think about her and she isn’t trying to change our minds. She used this video to play into every negative idea we’ve had about her. She’s done trying to fight it. She’s become it. Look what we made her do.