You came into my life when you were just 10 weeks old, and I fell in love with you instantly. At the time, I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I did know that I already loved you so much. The day that I met you, my life changed drastically. That was the day that I became a new person - I became your puppy mom. There are so many things that you have taught me since that day.
You taught me how to have patience. This is something that you have tested so many times. The first time that I caught you chewing on my couch was probably adorable, since you had those little baby teeth and those innocent eyes, but the multiple holes that you left are far from cute. The countless puddles that you've left for me to step in, especially on the carpet, made me want to scream. All of the hours spent teaching you how to sit, stay, and shake have most definitely taught me that good things take time. Those hours were beyond frustrating, but they were rewarding for both of us. All of the times that you've stolen food right off of my plate, all of the times that I came home to find the contents of the garbage scattered across the floor, all of the scratches on my body, they have tested every ounce of patience that I have. I can't say that these things have never gotten the better of me, but each time I learned how to better myself because of you.
You have taught me so much about responsibility. Before you came into my life, I only had myself to take care of, and some days it seemed like I couldn't even do that. When I got you, my life did an 180. I had to get up earlier in the morning so that I had enough time to take you out to go potty. Feeding you before I fed myself. Sacrificing an afternoon nap for an afternoon walk. Keeping track of when I took you outside, and knowing when I would need to take you out again. Having to pause a movie or leave a party early to take care of your needs. Not being able to spend the night at my friend's houses and only being able to drink one beer because you're counting on me to be there. Since you've come into my life I have made countless sacrifices, but I don't mind. It's been a key part of me growing up and becoming an adult.
The most important thing that you've taught me is how to love unconditionally. All of the accidents on the floor, all of the chewed up couches, all of the missed parties, I wouldn't trade any of it. You became my number one priority and I wouldn't want it any other way. You have changed my life drastically, but only for the best. Being your puppy mom has been the biggest blessing in my life. Every time that I look at your face, I forget about all of the puddles and holes and I remember why I am here. I would do anything for you, and sometimes I worry that you deserve a better mom than me. My love for you is unconditional. Thank you for coming into my life and teaching me things that I wouldn't learn in a college classroom.