Summer of 2018 has been a rollercoaster for me. It's had its highs and lows, but in the end, I learned a very important lesson I had been denying for a long time. My whole life, everyone has been telling me "Everything happens for a reason" and I just rolled my eyes and acted like it was just some stupid comment that was supposed to try and make me feel better. But now that I am older I really have come to realize that it's true. Throughout life, we go through hard times whether it be losing a friend or having a significant other break-up with you, or coping with making mistakes/failure. But they all happen to us for a reason, we may not see it at the moment but they can teach us an important life lesson that will help us grow as a person. No matter what you go through in life, you just have to stay positive and know that everything will work itself out in the end, even when things may seem hopeless.
In life, we meet someone, we fall in love and sometimes, we lose that person we once loved more than anything. And it hurts, at the moment it may seem like the end of the world. You spent all that time with your person, you got to know everything about them and learned to love everything about them. But now you two have become strangers again just like when you first met. It may be hard to realize at the moment, but this is all happening for a reason. We meet no one by accident in this life, and clearly, God intended them to come into your life for a reason but sometimes they are not meant to be in your life forever even when it feels like they were your whole world. When you lose someone like that, there's not much you can do except be grateful for the impact they made on your life, and take this as a lesson to learn from. What's meant to be, will be you just have to trust that.
One of the hardest things for us humans to accept in life is that we fail. Whether it be in school, our jobs, or sports, failure is a natural part of life. In my past three years of being a college student, I have failed many times but what I did not realize at the time was that it happened for a reason. I've failed exams I studied my hardest for, I didn't get the grade I expected in certain classes and at the time it seemed like the end of the world. But now that I look back, I'm glad I made those mistakes and I failed because it truly did teach me an important lesson about never giving up in the face of defeat. It was made clear to me that this setback happened for a reason and it was to teach me an important lesson.
Everything truly does happen for a reason, the good times and the bad times in life all serve a purpose even if we do not see it at first. It's all apart of a plan God has in store for us, you just have to trust that everything will work out in the end and treat everything as a blessing or a lesson.