I am a firm believer that there are timeless movies that so often go unrecognized. Although it can often be disheartening when a powerful message goes unheard by a vast majority of people, the overall hope of any piece of art or expression is to effectively reach a few and not just fall on the minds of many. Movies can be silly, full of comedic brilliance or overflowing with solid teaching and inspiring messages.
Legally Blonde, although it falls under the Romance/Comedy genre, is an impactful piece of work. Sure, I was only a tiny 3 year old when it debuted on the big screen, but as a 19 year old young woman, I can confidently say that the impression this cinematic masterpiece left on me gave me the confidence to pursue what I’m passionate about. My mind hasn’t wavered since.
If you haven’t figured it out by now, the character that is Elle Woods, played by the incredibly talented Reese Witherspoon, has made a lasting impact on my life. Here are just a few things she has taught young women across the globe.
1. You Are Good Enough
Your value cannot be found in the approval of society. You must love yourself before anyone else can love you.
via">https://giphy.com/gifs/reese-witherspoon-legally-b... GIPHY
2. Don't Let Anyone Question Your Intellect
You are capable and worthy of your greatest desires.
via">https://giphy.com/gifs/Govet1KanZtKw">via GIPHY
3. Don't Be Afraid Of A Challenge
Character is formed when you don't shy away from difficult circumstances.
via">https://giphy.com/gifs/world-sarah-straight-outta-... GIPHY
4. Believe In Yourself
Honestly, if you don't, then who else will? Be your own cheerleader.
via">https://giphy.com/gifs/elle-8PaJyCdaDzDRS">via GIPHY
5. Know Your Worth
You are more than your genitalia. It's really as simple as that.
via">https://giphy.com/gifs/legally-blonde-10mwxDqblvt7... GIPHY
6. Femininity Is Not A Negative Thing
Being a woman is something to be proud of.
via">https://giphy.com/gifs/movie-fashion-pink-kOX9joAq... GIPHY
7. Set Goals For Yourself
It does not matter how insignificant or monumental they are... just do it!
via">https://giphy.com/gifs/reese-witherspoon-y4OKEc5Nu... GIPHY
8. Sexual Harassment Did Not Stop Her... It Empowered Her
When it came to her being taking advantage of, she was as repulsed as she should have been. However, Elle turned that pain into power by taking Professor Callahan's job. Can I get an amen for justice actually be served?
via">https://giphy.com/gifs/5nuRjYblQgmfC">via GIPHY
There comes a time when you have to believe in yourself, face the trials that life brings, and refuse to shy away from even your biggest dreams. Elle Woods exemplified that. At the end of the day, we all need to be our own biggest fans and combat adversity head on.