What is Easter?
To put this into the most simple way I can for those who don’t know or understand, Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb on the third day after his crucifixion.
There’s always confusion about what Easter is really about. For some, Easter is about the Easter Bunny and decorating eggs, and going on Easter eggs hunts and for some, it’s about going to church and recognizing new hope and life.
According to the website All About God, “His resurrection symbolizes the eternal life that is granted to all who believe in Him.” This meaning recognizes and honors Jesus Christ. If you're a believer and religious in any way, you always hear “He died for your sins” and this is graved into our hearts.
It is important to understand that Easter and His resurrection isn’t about the modern day commercial meanings but about His promises of eternal life and a day to reflect and be thankful for His scarifies for us.
When is Easter 2018?
Every year, Easter is celebrated on the 14th day of the lunar month since the death of Jesus occurred around the Jewish Passover. This year, Easter Sunday falls on April 1. The reason that Easter is celebrated on Sunday’s is that it was the day Jesus rose from the dead, following being crucified on a Friday two days before.
What are some Easter Traditions?
Besides going to church and being around friends and family, we do many strange things to celebrate Easter. Below are some Easter traditions:
1. The Easter bunny
According to Time, "The symbol of the rabbit stems from pagan tradition, specifically the festival of Eostre—a goddess of fertility whose animal symbol was a bunny. Rabbits, known for their energetic breeding, have traditionally symbolized fertility."
2. Hot cross buns
"Good Friday comes this Month, the old woman runs, With one or two a Penny, hot cross buns "
3. Easter baskets
Easter baskets are usually gifts given to children with toys and chocolate.
4. Sunrise services
Many churches have services at sunrise, so the experience is similar to how it happened because people say Mary opened Jesus' tomb at dawn on Easter Sunday.
6. Easter eggs
Some people may dye them, decorate them, paint them or have a giant egg chocolate filled with more chocolate in them, there are many ways!
7. Egg hunting
Basically, you hunt for hidden eggs, it's a fun game for many children.
8. Easter arts and crafts
Some people I know like to do arts and crafts with their kids, this is a unique way to teach them about this holiday
9. A big brunch or dinner
Every holiday is celebrated with a big family feast!