Only a little over a month ago, the final approval was given for the Dakota Access Pipeline. Since then, a lot has happened. It wouldn't be entirely surprising to find that many people don't know much about the situation, if they know about it at all, as the media has been interestingly silent. I would like to give a brief overview of everything people should know about what exactly is going on currently in North Dakota, because I believe the issues being dealt with are very important. First thing's first, what is the Dakota Access Pipeline?
The Dakota Access Pipeline is Energy Transfer Partner's new, 1,172 mile oil pipeline that will weave itself through four states - starting in Bakken, North Dakota, then down through South Dakota, over to Iowa, and ending in Illinois. The pipeline will be 30 inches wide and will be moving 470,000, and a potential of 570,000 barrels of oil per day. From the end point in Illinois, the oil can be spread to markets all over the Midwest and East Coast. The project overall is worth about $3.7 million. The pipeline has been in the works since the beginning of the year, but got the final go-ahead from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in July. Those in favor for the pipeline look forward to an economic jump, as well as new jobs to be created. Land owners in the affected areas have been contacted about the new pipeline, and while many are accommodating and working with Energy Transfer Partners, others are not.
The initial conflict began once the Standing Rock Sioux tribe of North and South Dakota, respectfully, sued the Corps, citing that the pipeline will cause tremendous environmental problems, as well as create damage to sites of historical and cultural importance to the tribe. The tribe is concerned that when, not if, but when the pipeline is damaged and inevitably leaks, that it will destroy the tribe, and the local communities water supply, which comes from the Missouri river. Besides the worry over environmental concerns, the tribe says that by building the pipeline, many of their sacred sites will inevitably be desecrated.
Tensions rose as protests against the pipeline began. Along with the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, members of other tribes across the country have flocked to North Dakota to stand together in opposition of the project. On September 3 when digging began for the route for the pipeline, an outside security firm was hired to help keep protesters at bay while construction commenced. With emotions running high on both sides, the event got violent with pepper spray and attack dogs brought out to force the protesters back. The video of the event now has over 12.8 million views on Facebook. Warning, the video gets graphic in parts.
As the Dakota Access Pipeline protests seem to keep escalating, more and more people are getting involved. Celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Shailene Woodley have joined in protesting, as well as Green Party presidential hopeful Jill Stein. Since Wednesday, September 7, construction on a small portion of the pipeline in North Dakota has temporarily halted amidst backlash from not only protesters in North Dakota, but from all over America. The Obama administration has stepped in and has officially halted construction on the pipeline, even though the judge over the lawsuit declared on Friday, September 9 that construction would continue. The National Guard were even called in to help with security to keep protesters at bay, though there has been no word yet on if that development has caused any more conflict. Time will only tell what will come out of the Dakota Access Pipeline. I do believe we will see people all over the nation continue to make the journey to North Dakota to protest the pipeline in hopes of protecting the tribe and local communities water supply. I also believe that Energy Transfer Partner will not easily let go of a $3.7 million dollar project, which once built will continue to make the company millions. I believe we are witnessing an event that could potentially affect millions of people. Whether that be in a negative or a positive way, we will have to wait and see.