To Everyone Who Hates Greek Life | The Odyssey Online
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To Everyone Who Hates Greek Life

I'm paying for way more than just friends on a Friday night.

To Everyone Who Hates Greek Life
Lindsay Combs

The first time I tell someone I am a member of a sorority, I get one of two reactions. It’s either “wow that’s awesome! How much do you love it?” or “Oh, so your dad pays for you to have friends!” My only response to either of those reactions is that it’s the best decision I’ve made.

If you had told me early on in high school that I would later be a member of Pi Beta Phi, I would have probably laughed in your face. I am not a “sorority girl.” I don’t own Lily Pulitzer. I don’t come from the wealthiest family in Mason. I don’t drive a brand new 2016 BMW M6 and my daddy doesn’t pay for everything. A few years ago, this is what I thought was required to be in a sorority. Turns out, you don’t need any of these things. You just need to love food and t-shirts.

People often make the “paying for friends” comment. Some of my closest friends, who aren’t in Greek Life, have said this to me. Here’s the thing, I’m doing more than just paying to meet over 130 of the most amazing human beings on campus. My dues go towards socials, formals, Mom’s Day, Dad’s Day, keeping our house in order, having a kick-butt chef, t-shirts for certain events, and other Pi Phi related things. I am paying to be able to spend every Wednesday tutoring children at Inner City Youth Opportunities. I am paying to be able to raise money to fight illiteracy in our country. I am paying to be able to attend a Leadership Institute and realize that I have the ability to lead in a way I never thought I could. I am paying for so much more than simply having friends.

I hate the clichés of saying “it’s not four years, it’s for life.” I really do. But as much as I hate saying it, it’s so true. The impact that being in Greek Life has had on me, just after one year, is something that will last for the rest of my life. I am required to keep a certain GPA to be in good standing, causing me to work my hardest to keep my GPA up. These women have pushed me to be my best possible self and helped me grow towards being a better leader.

While they have pushed me towards being my best self, they have embraced me with more love and compassion than I ever expected. I have created relationships and memories with women who still continue to hang out with me even after finding out that if given $1 million I would use it to buy a bunch of baby goats. My big loves me even after I spend an entire night humiliating myself in front of all of her guy friends in the middle of Mr. Sushi and Drunken Bento. My roommate (also a pi phi) still deals with me even when I force her to attend philanthropy events because there might be a cute boy there. Aside from all the goofy things they put up with for me, these women are by my side whenever anything in life goes wrong. When my heart is broken, I have over 100 women who are willing to hug me and eat ice cream and vent. When I am struggling in school, they are by my side at study tables and Starbucks to help me figure out everything I don’t understand. When life is crazy and I don’t know what to do, these women are prepared to listen and give me advice filled with grace and honesty.

So to all of you people out there who think I am paying to have fake friends to get drunk and meet boys with, I urge you to be a little less judgmental. Hang out with one of us for an hour. Ask us any question you have. Rather than judging from the outside based on what movies and TV shows tell you, take a look at the real people of Greek Life. You’ll probably learn to appreciate it, or at least I hope.

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