There comes a time in everyone's life that someone has doubted them. My family is some of the people who doubted my abilities since I've been a toddler. Many unnecessarily rude things they said to me, I have taken into my adulthood. Don't get me wrong, they were forgiven almost immediately after their comments were said, but at the same time, it is very hard to forget how people treat you.
I don't understand how someone could another person verbally, physically, and/or emotionally.
You have to continuously push and do what is best for you. One lady told me one day," some of the best revenge you can get is to prove someone who hurt you wrong". I believe I have taken that statement to heart. I feel as though I have successfully and thrived.
Not only to prove other people wrong, but to show myself that with hard work and dedication, you can truly do anything you set your mind to (I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true).
I've made it through almost to my junior year in college, I apply for nursing school next semester, I've developed a great relationship with God and people that surround me in my daily life.
You can never stop pushing to be great and strive for better. There is always room for improvement in the world. If you think you are at the top, you can keep going and learning. I aspire to become an anesthesiologist. Even though that is many years away, I have to love the process. When you love the process, you will love the end goal.
I can't look at the fact I am going to be sleep deprived for the next 7 years. I can't look at the fact that I am failing my math class because I made a decision not to study for the first test and it killed my grade. I look at the fact that I can't change what I did in the past.
I have to look forward to the future and see what it is I can do now to bring that grade up, lose the weight, save those few dollars, or any number of things I have been working on. I know good things take time. I read an article online once saying," If you want something a little better, it'll take a little longer. It takes approximately 13 hours to build a Toyota and six months to build a Rolls Royce".
You have to show yourself the love and affection you need. Yes, it may be hard now, but look at the bigger picture. You may be mopping floors at a job you hate, but one day, you will look back and see that it was a learning experience and that you needed that time at a deadbeat job/ terrible relationship/ people criticizing you to build character and/or make you humble.
So to all of the naysayers/ doubters in your life... Prove them wrong. Do what makes you happy (as long as its legal and moral lol). You have one short life to live. Make the most of it and continue to grow and thrive and look forward to your bright prosperous future!