When people hear the word 'volunteer' they cringe. They see it as a time to lose money from their paycheck and help the needy or lazy. They see it as just a way to get hours to bump their resume. They see it as just giving and not receiving. But they are wrong.
I'm not going to lie, we probably all saw volunteering at first as one of the few reasons listed above. I did. But after my first couple of times volunteering, I started to see the real reason why volunteering is so wonderful.
Volunteering is defined as 'freely offering to do something.' This could be as simple as offering help or saying/suggesting something without being asked. The biggest thing is knowing not just that you are helping someone or something, but that you are making a difference. What may seem like an hour or two out of your life, may seem like the world to that person in need.
I have found my passion in volunteering with non-profit organizations. Non-profit organizations have the purpose of which is something other than making a profit. A nonprofit organization is often dedicated to furthering a particular social cause or advocating for a particular point of view.
And there are 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the United States so there is no excuse for those who think everyone is out for profit. Also most nonprofits start as a small idea and gets made into a reality. They help hundreds to thousands everyday. They focus on social issues and look for others who are passionate about it or curious what its about. They give out FREE education for those who are looking to gain something out of volunteering.
And not only that, but volunteering helps opens your eyes. There are so many loop holes people have to go through before getting what they want. There may be lazy people out there, but there are many more that are fighting to make their life better for everyone involved. There are many circumstances they can't control or life's curve-balls that wrecks others. The important thing to remember is that not everyone is bad. Some just got dealt an unlucky hand and are working harder than you and I because they weren't as privileged.
I have volunteered with hundreds of social issues and organizations to realize that volunteering is about giving but receiving twice as much (and I'm not talking about the material gifts). When you volunteer, you see those in needs faces' light up. You see some of them break down in tears from the unforgiving memories and chances you have given them. You see some just happy to see humanity still alive and that there are still people out there who care. You see the changes you made in the little or big amount of time you spent there (and more times than not, you see just how much of a difference that made to the community as well.) You see the kids become kids again. You see the parents finally able to sleep at night. You see the difference you made in the world with the two hands you were given and the heart that can never stop giving. You see all of this, but you will never be more appreciative of the life you were given. That's why volunteering is so vital for everyone. You see that you were brought onto this world to make it a better place then when you first stepped foot onto it.