Traveling is something that I firmly believe everyone should do when their given a chance to. I have been on a few trips to Florida, I have been to Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, Nashville. I have had friends go to Europe, Cuba, and other beautiful countries. Some of my family members have been to almost every state in the country and their able to tell stories of the travels they have been on.
When you go on these journeys, you become exposed to many amazing things. There is so much beauty in all surroundings it will make you fall in love wherever you go.
With all of the different people you meet comes a completely different world. The food, the atmosphere, the conversation will be so different than what you are normally accustomed to that you will want to learn everything you can.
The history of some places will captivate you. You will learn things that you would never know about if you haven't gone and seen it yourself. For example this latest vacation I went on, I learned about what the inspiration for all of the Chucky movies, and almost every horror movie involving dolls.
His name is Robert the doll. He currently he lives in Key West Florida, and has been there for over a century. He was with his owner Robert Gene Otto until his owner passed away.
The doll and his owner were companions since his owner was in his adolescent years. After his passing there were interviews with the family, and they would say that at times Robert would blame his doll Robert if his mother accused him of doing something. One time on the other side of the house the boy's mother heard screams and moving furniture coming from his room. After she rushed to the door she couldn't open it but could hear laughter accompanied by screaming. When the door finally opened she found her son huddled up in his bed, all of the furniture was all over the room with the doll just sitting in the corner. As the boy saw his mother he pointed to Robert and said that he did it. After his owner past a new resident moved in and strange things started to happen, things moving in the attic and footsteps up in the attic when nobody was ever up there but the doll.
After the new owner freaked out they donated the doll to the Fort East Martello Museum. Ever since the doll was moved to the museum travelers would come and want to take pictures of the doll, but what some people wouldn't do is ask the dolls permission to take a picture of the doll. It is said that if you don't ask for permission to take the picture bad things will start happening to you once you arrived back home. All of those people later on have written letters to Robert apologizing for not asking permission, and begging for his forgiveness. Later on the stories, and history of Robert the doll was the inspiration for movies like "Child's Play."
Traveling is so important and so amazing, it opens you up to new experiences, new culture, and history that you can learn about. Travel as much as you can and soak up endless experiences, because only some can happen once in a lifetime. Happy travels.