Traveling is probably the most eye opening experience you will have in your life. It is not just seeing pretty places and eating cool foods so you can post them to your Instagram (although that is fun too), but you are fully immersing yourself in another place, culture, lifestyle, and truly realize how different other people live that are on the same planet as you. It is like being in another universe. Now, I am not saying that everyone should actually say sayonara to their jobs, lives, schools, etc. and go travel. However, I think if the opportunity presents itself to travel and see the world before tying yourself down to the boring reality of working for the rest of your life, it is life changing and worth every penny. There are just simple lessons hidden within traveling that you learn that can apply to the rest of the life you have ahead.
1. Learn to deal with change.
Going abroad or traveling the world is definitely not for the faint of heart. I recommend it to almost everyone, but you need to understand that change comes with it. First off, it is not home. It could become home, that is for sure, but the first thing you'll realize is it is not America. You won't have your family, boyfriend/girlfriend, pets, and the simplicity of life at home- being in a place and doing things you've done a million times. Change is good, though, and always a learning experience. It teaches you how to adjust to whatever life could throw at you, something that is always worth understanding.
2. Become Independent
Once again, you won't have your mom, dad, siblings, or anyone holding your hand. You get on that plane (most likely alone,) and take off on your adventure. Traveling does not only teach you about the world and other people, but it teaches you about yourself. Truly, it is you against the world every day whether you realize it or not, but when you are stuck in the middle of a foreign city not knowing which way to go- it is on you to figure it out. You learn that you are more knowledgeable than you ever thought possible. Independence will get you far in the real world.
3. Budgeting
With being independent comes budgeting. Every person who travels abroad has some idea of how much money they have to their name and how much of that money they are willing to spend. You learn that maybe you don't need that large cappuccino a day, but maybe a small will work considering you plan to go on a weekend trip. It is a simple thing, but huge before entering the real world. Paying credit card bills, making sure you don't go over your limit, and understanding the value of every penny you spend. Budgeting is an important lesson for life.
4. Planning
This is a huge part of traveling or being abroad. It is not as simple as hopping on a plane and landing in a place knowing exactly what is going on. You will be confused where you are, where you're living for that time, where to eat, and what to do. It is fun to travel and have no plan, but at least, you need a plan to get there. Purchasing train, plane, ferry, or bus tickets is a task in itself. Finding a place to stay, also difficult. It all takes patience and some research. In the real world or a job, it will be important to know how to research and set a plan.
5. Learn to be understanding
Traveling the world comes with broadening your horizons and understanding that the way your life goes round isn't the only way it works. People live on this Earth and live completely different lives than you every day. So, that moment you take the leap to go out and experience new cultures, customs, people, and places is the day you grow and realize the world around you. It is something you need to make the most of: learn a language or try a custom food of the place you're traveling. Either way, you learn, and you will definitely need to be understanding of people from different backgrounds in the real world.
6. Learn how to deal with people
Travelling teaches you a lot of things, but one of the most important things is learning how to deal with the differences you may have with the person next to. It may be someone you are traveling with, living with or just the barista at a cafe. In any case, it is highly important to learn how to mature and realize there are other ways to view situations and everyone has an opinion. At your real person job you may not be right, so learning how to adjust early on will go a long way.
7. Learn to let go
Leaving your home country is like entering another life. You get to toss everything that has been holding you down into the past and just focus on your future in this foreign and exciting place. It is truly an amazing feeling. And not only letting go of the past but just being less tense and more go with the flow comes along with being abroad almost every day. Definitely, something that will help you in any career path.
8. Get to be a kid
Now, with all the maturing and new found independence, traveling before entering that job of your dreams and the real world is truly one of your last opportunities to be a kid. Who wants to grow up anyways? You have barely any responsibilities except enjoying your experience and being a care-free kid. It is a time to cherish every moment. (Sorry, this one might not be as helpful in the real world, but it's important).
9. Experience
The experience is what traveling is about. It is about leaving your comfort zone, changing your perspective on life, creating memories and learning. You learn about yourself, others, places, objects, the list is endless. You enter the experience of a lifetime before your crazy fast paced life begins of working, getting married, buying a house, having kids, etc. This is the only time in your life where you just have to worry about you.
The real world is so close for all of us, so there is no time to waste. Why follow the pattern that seems to be in place for us to follow? Why do we have to know what we want to do at 18 and be doing it at 22? Well, for most of us, unfortunately, we are following this path, but take the experience of traveling while you can. This is the most freedom filled chunk of your life, a time to learn about the world and most importantly a time to learn about yourself. So please, just go out and explore.