While there are many fields that are important for students to take in their college career I believe that there is one class that is a must take. That class is Sociology. While I may be somewhat biased given that was my chosen major, Sociology not only teaches you about how the world works but also how people shape the world into what it is today. These are the reasons why everyone should take a Sociology class.
1. The World Is Not What You Think
So pink is for girls and blue is for boys right? Actually, it wasn't so long ago that this was the reverse. Originally pink was thought of for boys and blue was for girls. So why the change? It was because society and people thought that it should be that way. Would you like another example? Did you know that the more people that are around a person in need the less likely that people will help. That's called the bystander effect. Sociology not only teaches you these things but also so much more about the world and how much people have shaped society.
2. There Are So Many Interesting Fields Of Study
This is seen in many fields but in Sociology there is so much you can study and focus on. Within Sociology you can take courses about gender, race, politics, social movements and societal problems. Each of these classes looks at a facet of society and dissects how society and the people within have worked together to shape the current world and the interactions.
3. It Is Applicable To Every Field
This is the most important reason to take a Sociology class! Sociology interacts with every other field from Psychology to Biology and more. It applies in everyday life as you can see how people interact and how things such as privilege and other factors influences different situations. You can use this each day and because of Sociology you know how to read a situation better than you were previously able to.
4. It Will Be Some Of The Best Discussions You Will Ever Have
During each one of my Sociology classes, they have been driven by discussion. It was not uncommon to have many different Sociology courses where the professors let the students lead the discussion and relate it their own personal experiences as well as their own beliefs and how it relates to Sociology.
As a whole Sociology has been the most beneficial and interesting courses that I have taken over my four years at Hamline. The professors are engaging and care for their students and their learning. The students that take these courses want to make a difference and recognize how the world is unfair but also how they can change it because that is how society works! Sociology is important for students to take as it open your mind and makes you see the world differently and recognize how things have been shaped over time.