Whether we know it or not, we're all facing challenges beyond what we see.
Within our minds, we carry our past, our vision for the future, and all that the present holds. Oftentimes, speaking with someone we know personally doesn't allow us to fully express our thoughts or drop the baggage we've been carrying around since middle school.
And even if you're perfectly well off, seeing a therapist is still always a good idea.
1. We all have something to talk about.
Regardless of who you are, where you live, what you drive, where you work, how you were raised, and so forth, we all have something to talk about. A therapist doesn't mind if all you talk about is your day, work, or how a highly recommended seamstress took in three unnecessary inches on your wedding dress causing you to have a minor freakout for three months.
2. We all have baggage.
Whether we realize it or not, we're all carrying around a bag: some of us carry a suitcase, others a backpack, and some push around a luggage cart or two overflowing with their bags. Why not downsize a bit?
3. Therapy is entirely "you" time.
Therapy is all about you. Yes, you'll talk about other people, most likely. But it's not an hour about how they feel; it's an hour about how you feel. It's an hour to be completely open and honest about your life without judgement or interruption. And you deserve it.
4. Anything you say is confidential.
Aside from anything that may threaten you or others, your therapist keeps everything said in her office between just the two of you. Keep your mind at ease, knowing the best of your secrets will never be shared with anyone.
5. Therapists offer professional advice.
Most therapists have studied the mind and human behavior for years, seen countless clients, and have completely dedicated their lives to the profession. Considering this, a therapist's perspective and advice is most likely unbiased, honest, and worth taking.
6. We could all use coping skills.
Life is not always easy. Things don't go our way, people come and go, plans change. Stress is everywhere. Just talking things out with a therapist can relieve stress, and they may share some ways best suited to you for relieving additional stress. Whether it's walking, writing, driving around, listening to music, a mini shopping spree, positive self-talk, self-care, or just cutting out caffeine, y'all will find your coping skills.
7. Mental health is of the upmost importance.
Read that again - my mental health is of the upmost importance. Oftentimes, we may not even realize what we're struggling with, if we notice we're struggling at all. If your mental health isn't doing well, chances are your overall health isn't either. We all carry around so many burdens that constantly weigh us down and affect our every day interactions and thoughts, without intention.
Never is there a reason to allow yourself to be weighed down - by negativity, stress, the past, guilt, shame, confusion, confessions, secrets - you name it. Life is too short to be unhappy, to lack clarity. You deserve to put yourself first.
It's okay not to be okay. And it's okay to ask for help.
Therapy can be expensive, yes. But there are other options if you need someone to talk to about what you're facing and/or how you're feeling.
The Hope Line: Someone is available online and by phone to chat 24/7.
HOPELINE/CRISIS text line: Text HOPELINE to 741741 anytime to text a counselor.
These resources, and many others found on your search engine, are free of charge. The world wants you to be happy. So do I. We all do. We want you to want to be happy, too.
It's never too late.