I know, New Year’s resolutions are lame and never work. I hate to say it, but, New Year’s resolutions are CRITICAL for everyone. After being a caretaker for such a long part of my life, I finally realized I need to start taking care of me. After all, it is a new year, a fresh start, and a chance to leave all the problems from last year behind, so why not start now? Now, I am not saying to suddenly change your entire lifestyle over one night, but doing even one task of self-care a week is enough to better yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Here are some simple tasks that anyone can do to improve yourself.
1. Drink a cold glass of water every morning.
Drinking a glass of cold water every morning can boost your metabolism and wake you up ready to start the day. It is also more likely to help you start drinking more water than usual because you are waking up to it, and eventually your body will crave it more than soda.
2. Take a bath after a long day.
Taking a bath cleanses all the bad vibes from the day and puts the body in a new refreshing mode. Taking a bath also helps you get relaxed for bed.
3. Meditate/do some yoga.
This is a way to clear your bad feelings and tenses in the body into a good overall state of mind that will stay with you for the rest of the day. These are so helpful for your mental as well as your physical health.
4. Go outside for a breather.
Go for a walk or sit out on your porch for a while. Breathing in fresh air and being out in the sunlight will help improve your mood for the day.
5. Journal
Journaling is a good way to help your mind be at ease. It allows you to put all your thoughts on paper and out of your head that was creating stress. I know it is hard keeping up with a daily journal with a busy schedule, but even putting "today was a good day" will help you emotionally and mentally.
6. Drink a cup of hot tea. Tea is heaven to your body because it has so many antioxidants that help you physically. Tea also comes in so many different flavors, so find your favorite one and look up all the benefits of it. Even knowing you are drinking something good for your body will make you feel better.
7. Read a book.
Reading literally puts you into a whole other world. So if you want to get away from this world for a while (which is much needed these days), reading is your answer.
8. Watch your favorite movie.
This is a good, simple two-hour process to help better your mood or calm you after a stressful day. I know I never end up in the same bad mood after watching Tangled.
9. Unplug
Actually, plug it up and charge your phone or laptop, but then walk away from it. Being on your phone is a stress inducer, and knowing it is charging will make you want to not use it because, at this time, we are all addicted to our technology.
10. Wrap yourself in a blanket burrito and nap.
Napping is a good way to rejuvenate your body and mind. It also helps you catch up on sleep missed the night before, which is especially needed if you have sleeping problems.
11. Play with your pet.
They love you more than life itself and playing with them will improve your mood. Who doesn't love puppy kisses?
12. Do a hobby you love.
Whether this is baking, painting, or running, you will automatically feel better after doing it.
13. Listen to music.
Put on your favorite songs and dance it out like Meredith and Christina. One of my favorite ways to listen to music is blast it in my car with no destination in mind.
These may seem too simple and pointless, but doing even the little things will improve yourself overall. It starts with a simple task to create positive habits that will carry on with you in the future. It is time to stop doing everything for everyone else and start taking care of yourself this year. Your future self will thank you for it.