When I was 13 my Mom sat me in my kitchen and told me that I was moving to Italy. She told me that my Dad didn't even need to ask when offered the position because he knew she would love it. I think everyone had dreams of going to Paris, Barcelona, and London when they were young. These interesting places that were so far away and unattainable, even I wanted to. Of course, I acted like a teenager and felt sad about it. I was just about to start High School with my Middle School friends and it just didn't come at the right time. I was a dumb High Schooler. Looking back now, knowing what I know, I am so thankful I didn't get a say.
I remember my first day in Italy very well. It was the start of October, it felt like a 100 degrees, and smelt of sulfur. I was in Naples, which is the area known for it's pizza, but not it's cleanliness. We drove around and I saw a kid get hit on the head with a water bottle. We were told about how safe it was ironically because of the mafia. I ate the most delicious meal I had ever had at the time(which consisted of three courses). It was intimidating. I had only turned 14 a few months prior and never seen anything like this place. Everyone spoke with their hands, teenagers were drinking(in the day), and you were surrounded by photogenic places.
Most people spend High School worrying about partying or having sex. I went to France, Spain, Austria, and Germany. I once went to Paris and Milan in a week. I was taking after school club trips to Florence and Pisa. Driving up with the High School band to Vicenza. It was unreal. Of course, all us 300 teenagers complained about literally being gated in. But I wouldn't trade it. If I went to High School in America I would not of spent the summer before my Senior Year going boating in the Mediterranean Sea to go see the Hot Springs at Ischia. Who would give that up? I wouldn't. I saw things that some people never see. I ate real food. Real pizza. I would give up American food for life for one full day of eating back in Italy.
Italy aside. I have friends who lived in Germany and Spain. It's all unbelievable. We didn't sit and over focus on the rise of social media. Everyone I knew had a prepaid phone. We all share this weird bond. I am in Virginia now and there is around 10-15 people in or near my area who actually went to school with me there and it's comforting to see them walk around. We might not hang out everyday but when you literally were in another country with someone, how could you ignore them? I honestly love them all. I don't need to see them everyday to know how much I care for them. My truest friends are the ones I met over there. So if you haven't lived in Europe, please try to. Even for a month. It's a life changing experience. The outlook I have on the world is nothing short of amazing. I will never look at anybody race, gender, or religion and think harshly of them for identifying with a category different that I. I look at people because I have met some amazing ones. Traveling will give you nothing but a new viewpoint on reality. Living somewhere foreign will help you understand that reality.
La vita è un sogno...