I'm just going to come right out and say it: I read fan-fiction. It is what is, and if you're here reading this, odds are you read it too. With that being said, you have also probably said some pretty wild things while reading it. Some of my closest friends have called me out for saying things that were more than likely not appropriate at the time; one of them even requested that I make a list of things I say whilst reading what she calls "my stories." I guess in her eyes I'm basically the equivalent to a great grandma watching The Young and The Restless. Anyway, I just thought I would share a few of the things that I'm sure most other fan-fic readers have said:
1. As much as I hate love, I really want to be in love.
This one just speaks to me on a spiritual level because the idea of love is horrifying. Like listen, love is scary as heck, but it seems to make everyone happy? The fics just make love seem so dolled-up and 100% amazing, and I just want that.
2.When I said mess me up, this is way worse than what I had in mind.
We've all been there; you came in for the Drama with a capital "D," but by the end, you end up sobbing and eating ice cream at 4 A.M. No matter how much you tell yourself not to, you'll inevitably make the mistake hundreds of times.
3.Mutual pining might as well be my middle name nowadays.
Ah, mutual pining, the actual love of your life. It's like every fic about your OTP is based on mutual pining; they love one another but are just too stupid to realize it. They tell all of their friends about their crush, but somehow the other still doesn't find out until the very end? Sign me up!4.That will never happen in real life, but it was hot so I don't care.
Sometimes the fics can be a little too far-fetched, but do you care? No, no you don't. You keep reading it knowing good and well that you're now going to have unrealistic expectations when that special someone rolls into your life.
5.Current emotion: Feeling some type of way.
It may sound weird coming out of your mouth- and you've definitely gotten some looks because of it. However, it has been said on more than one occasion, and it will more than likely be said many more times because of how real it is.
6.The thrilling trilogy of "Where is the angst," "Here comes the angst," and finally, "I hate the angst."
As someone who loves Teen Wolf fan fiction, I can tell you that this is the realest thing ever. The story starts off slow, but then next thing you know, angst is bursting out of the characters left and right! As soon as that tragic backstory is unlocked, the angst is just unbearable.
7. I have the perfect idea for a fic.
Once this is said, you start to imagine all kinds of plots. My friends have received wild texts at 3 A.M. that are along the lines of, "Can someone please write a bro-hood of the traveling snap-back book? It needs to be full of disappointment at the lack of kik users they received that day!" Although some of your ideas aren't that bad, and your friends text you back, "Yeah! Life being colorless until you meet your best friend sounds like a really cool idea!"
8.Are the credits really rolling right now? NO! I want more!!
Like all great things do, fan fictions end; it sucks, but it happens. There are some that you would genuinely give an arm and a leg for just to have one more chapter, but you know that's completely irrational. However when the fics do leave off on a good note, you're filled to the brim with happiness, and that is what reading is all about anyway.