1. Psychology counts as a core requirement.
Everyone has to take some sort of social science, natural science or humanities class, so why not take psychology? Psychology is the core science of understanding human beings, and everyone uses it on a daily basis when communicating, with a relationship and in their careers.
2. Psychology makes you a more empathetic person.
In psychology, you learn about the influences and motivations behind peoples actions, which helps build an understanding and empathy of behaviors different than your own. It is easy to turn a cold to shoulder towards those you do not understand, but psychology forces you to recognize that underneath our different skin tones and different ways of living we are all just humans who have feelings and basic needs.
3. Psychology helps you better understand our diverse world.
Psychology makes you more tolerant of those different than you. As humans, we are quick to judge others who we may not understand and this can lead to negativity and resentment. Our world is filled with diverse minds, cultures, and ideologies, but with this comes naivety of those not in our bubbles. Psychology broadens your mind and gives you a better understanding of our diverse world.
4. Psychology increases your self-awareness.
Psychology allows people to better understand their mind-body connection. While studying psychology you learn about self-actualization and how the key to happiness is to maximize your potential. When you become more aware of why your mind does certain things and why you feel a certain way it is much easier to navigate the challenges of life.
5. Psychology is fun!
Psychology was my favorite class I took in both high school and college! It is incredibly interesting taking a dive into the human mind and behavior. From fun optical illusions and interesting theories to crazy experiments, psychology truly is a thrilling ride you won't regret taking!