Most of us have heard the stories from a best friend, current partner, or parents. It seems like everyone has stories about a crazy ex-boyfriend/girlfriend. I'm sure everyone has also had those moments where they question why in the world did they ever date so-and-so. Well, there's nothing wrong with having dated whats-his/her-name. In fact, it may have been a good thing.
1. You learn what you don't (and do) want
How do you learn? By making mistakes, of course! And dating a crazy ex usually qualifies as a mistake . . . as harsh as that sounds. Dating your crazy ex is definitely a learning experience, though. You learn what your definition of a crazy boyfriend/girlfriend is, and what kind of crazy you don't want in the future. You also learn what characteristics you do want in the future in the form of what that ex didn't have.
2. It makes you appreciate "the one" that much more
Don't you love that your current partner doesn't go through your phone everyday like your ex? Or that they don't pick their nose in public? Or that they don't "run with the wrong crowd?" You wouldn't appreciate all those things as much if it weren't for your crazy ex.
3. It's a self-esteem boost
I've come to realize through personal experience and the experience of friends that your crazy ex was likely a relationship during high school or college. These are time in our lives that are confusing, frustrating, and about as crazy as your crazy ex. That being said, having someone to call your boyfriend/girlfriend during these times just seems to make it a little easier. It's nice to feel wanted during a time where you might not feel good enough. They may have helped you get through these tough times.
4. It's a good practice run
Nobody is naturally great at something the first time they try it. It takes time and practice. The same goes for being in a relationship. You never really know how to be in a relationship until you experience being in one. That being said, someone who can't maintain a relationship and has many opportunities to "practice" this skill is not necessarily great at it, but having an ex does not mean you're a failure.
5. It was probably fun . . . at the time . . . for a little while
Let's be honest. There was some reason you did decide that yes, I want to date this person. There was a time when you probably enjoyed the company of your crazy ex.
6. It's a reality check about your dating expectations
The ideals of romance suggest that our first love is supposed to be our last love in a perfect world. The problem is that the world isn't perfect and your crazy ex exists. There will be romantic interests that need to be let go because sometimes your first love is far from what you want for the rest of your life. They teach you that yes, you can let go of someone who isn't supposed to be your last love.
7. You get to tell great "crazy ex" stories!