Need a new way to showcase your interests? Or maybe just a way to promote the organizations you are a part of? If this is the case, go walk around a college campus, and you will soon see laptops and water bottles covered in stickers. This sticker fad has become a social norm among many students across the country, and these stickers are often used to display students’ interests and involvement. From a desire to travel, to a quote from their latest Netflix binge, students cover their laptops and water bottles with different pop culture references and symbols.
Redbubble is one of the most popular websites students use to find different types of stickers. This site claims that their stickers are waterproof, and can last up to 18 months of outdoor use due to them being made of vinyl instead of paper. One Tumbler user decided to review these Redbubble stickers, testing them up against soap and water, probably a smart idea considering students are using them on water bottles. These stickers stood up against different factors and were still able to stick to materials.
One of the best things about these stickers is their ability to attract conversation. Looking around a public area, you can find individuals who share similar interests to your own. They provide a great ice breaker that can allow you to make friends and find others who are involved with similar organizations. Popular sticker themes are
- student organizations (ie. Dance Marathon and Greek life)
- anything Disney
- puns, puns, and more puns
- political stances
- school pride
- Vine references
- song lyrics
- cute animals
- Memes
Here are some examples or inspiration for all of your sticker needs from college students! These stickers are basically tattoos for your laptop, without the lifetime commitment!
Ella Class of '21
Her favorite sticker is the "I'm sorry I was taking a nap" because she naps all of the time. If she wakes up with any missed texts her response is always 'sorry, I was taking a nap'.
Nichole Class of '21
Kayla Class of '20
Her favorite sticker is the 'Explore' sticker in the middle. She thinks it is important to explore the world in an effort to better understand yourself.
Sophie Class of '21
Natalie Class of '21
Kate Class of '20
Her favorite sticker is the one about books because reading helps her escape to new worlds. Books have been there for her when people in her life were not.
Sara Class of '21
Anna Class of '21
Zoe Class of '21
When asked about her favorite sticker, Zoe responded with "As a whole, I chose to put these on my laptop because every sticker represents who I am as a person and I wanted people to be able to get a feel of what type of a person I was by my stickers. I have a Harry Potter one because I'm an HP nerd my 2 more equal rights stickers to show that I am for equality and peace, the oh whale to show I have a cute girly side the planets because who goes to Purdue and doesn't have something space related."
Addie Class of '21
Jasmine Class of '21
When asked about her favorite sticker, Jasmine replied, "my favorite sticker is the top right rose one bc the rose is the flower of my sorority so it reminds me of my sisterhood and the "oh la la" describes the amount of sass I throw on the daily."
Luke Class of '21
Ben Class of '21
When asked about his favorite, Ben chose the Cubs sticker. His reasoning was, "I've been a fan my whole life, and they are a big part of why I like baseball".