There are seven different types of friends in each group and we all know who's who in the group. Everyone has...
1. The Smart Friend
You can always find her in the library either studying or doing homework. She's the one who pushes us to stop procrastinating, hangout with her in the library and join every club. She's that girl who claims she's going to fail her chemistry and stats tests, but ends up getting a 101 anyway. Even though she makes us all feel a little dumb sometimes, we know she's going to be successful.
2. The Dumb Friend
We all have the friend who never fails to say something stupid or doesn't know whats going on. Ever. And she never knows she's being stupid. The two most common words out of her mouth are probably, “wait.. what?” Even though we make fun of her all the time, we still love her .
3. The Mom
We all have the friend who always takes care of us when we drank a little too much or got a bad grade on a test. She has medicine for everything you could possibly think of and every snack you could ever want. She gets mad when your room is a mess and makes you feel obligated to clean it. She knows what to do in every situation and we would probably be lost without her.
4. The Party Animal
She's the girl who ALWAYS wants to go out, even if she has a midterm in her 8 a.m. class the next day. At times we think she may be an alcoholic, but really we know she just wants to have a good time. Whenever we don't want to go out, she has a little panic attack and bribes us. You know when you go out with her it’s gonna to be a good time.
5. The Nice Friend
The girl who sits quietly and goes with the flow. Whenever we have a problem, she's there to listen and give us her best advice. She never talks down to anyone and hates when there's drama. She's the peacemaker and our group would not be the same without her.
6. The Bitch
She's not afraid to tell it like it is. You probably don't want to mess with her because no matter how little she is, she can have the biggest attitude. Thank God your her friend because you know she will always tell you when you are out of line, and most importantly, she will always have your back.
7. The Storyteller
We all have a friend who never runs out of stories to tell. If you miss the first five minutes, she has no problem starting over because she wants you to know every single detail. She keeps us all entertained, and even if we don't like to admit it, we would probably get bored without her three hour stories.
A friend group wouldn't function properly without each of these types of girls. If you're lacking any, you should re-evaluate your friend group because I promise you're missing out.