I live in a pretty large suburb of Chicago named Oak Park, you might recognize us from the fact that Ernest Hemingway came from here. Now he absolutely HATED Oak Park but the man still came from here. Oak Park has got a lot of nicknames: Smoke Park, Toke Park, and my personal favorite No Park. Honestly it's amazing how bad the parking is. It's like the town is designed for the sole purpose of getting people tickets. I don't know how but somehow there always has to be a building or street under construction right whenever I'm running late to work. All in all though, it's still my hometown, and while it may be riddled with problems, there's still a lot I'm going to miss about it.
First and foremost, I'm really gonna miss the pizza. I hate to break it to everyone, but Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizza with the enough sauce to drown in is the king of pizza, end of discussion. Honestly just writing about Deep Dish Pizza is making my mouth water; I love it so much. I've already asked basically everyone I know who's staying in Chicago to send me some flash frozen Lou Malnati's Deep Dish.
While the parking in Oak Park may be absolutely miserably bad, the town itself is nestled up right next to Chicago. I absolutely adore Chicago, it reminds me of New York but not miserable. My only problem with Chicago is the fact that it shares Oak Parks' parking problems.
Even though it's not really relating to my hometown the biggest thing I'm gonna miss is all of my friends. I'm the only one out of all of us going to the East Coast, everyone else is either staying in the Midwest or going out of country. So I'm going to be insanely far away from all of them. And while I'm not really worried about us drifting apart or anything like that, I mean hell, I love all of them to hell and back; it's not like some miles between us is really gonna do much. I will miss them though, but at the same time, the distance will just make seeing those fools again even better, if we can find parking that is.