Bucket lists can be a somewhat dark subject and when mentioned people immediately think of death. I first heard about bucket lists as a child in reference to stuff you wanted to get done before you ‘kick the bucket’, hence bucket list.
That sounds morbid, but when I got into high school I started thinking about everything I want to accomplish in life. There are a lot of things, like travelling and learning other languages. To keep everything organized and set appropriate goals I made a list. So without realizing it, I had created a bucket list.
Honestly, bucket lists are great. They aren’t these morbid lists old people come up with when they have cancer. Everyone should have goals they want to accomplish in life, and a bucket list is the best way of keeping track of those goals. It gives you one list to look at every so often to remind you of where you want to go and the person you want to become. It makes you think about what you really want to do with this one life we all get instead of just work, pay taxes, and look forward to the weekend.
I didn’t realize how much I wanted to do in my life until I sat down and made my bucket list. It ended up having about 70 things on it, which made me feel good about myself. It was extremely motivating to look at that list and envision how to would happen in my future. It encouraged me to actually move towards the goals I had written down, instead of just hoping and saying ‘someday’.
When I got to start checking some of those items off I felt ever better. There’s a wonderful sense of accomplishment when you can check off a major life goal like that. It helped me believe in myself and boosted my self-confidence, knowing that I can accomplish my ambitions.
A bucket list doesn’t have to be super long and full of amazing plans. It definitely can be, or it can be short and simple, or even a mix of both. Write down crazy ambitions that you think are impossible—you never know what’s going to happen in this wonderful life. Write down goals that seem more attainable, like reading a book per month. Write down things you know are important but sometimes forget, like spending time with loved ones without technology.
Let a bucket list make you the best version of yourself. Writing down your goals, dreams, and aspirations can highlight what is important to you and where you should spend your time. It can help cut out time wasting activities like scrolling mindlessly through Instagram when you know you’d rather be achieving something else.
Bucket lists are not just for the old or for a girl with a perfect Instagram. They’re for everyone and can help you in ways you would never have imagined. Go dream, write down those dreams on your bucket list, and then set forth to accomplish them!