Everyday is for the boys.
Who would’ve known that the boys that I met on a whim, randomly, in such a short period, would end up being some of my closest friends. All I can say is thank you, continuously, over and over again until you guys tell me to shut up. You have all taught me so much about myself throughout our entire friendship and I am so grateful.
Thank you for letting me have the aux cord and singing with me at the top of our lungs, for eating the food that I cook, even if it sometimes looks a bit questionable, for constantly laughing at all of my jokes, even if they aren’t necessarily funny.
Thank you for treating me like a normal person, and not different because I’m a girl in a group of all boys. Thank you for helping me realize that that one boy doesn’t deserve me in the slightest. Thank you for protecting me. Thank you for always being there for me at all hours of the day and for rationalizing my thoughts when I’m being ridiculous.
Thank you for not trying to make moves on me and pretending you are all my boyfriend’s when guys won’t leave me alone at parties. Thank you for listening to me and following along with the rollercoaster of thoughts that I have.
There is nothing I can do to repay you all for what you have done for me.
I can’t wait to see where we all are after we graduate and find our paths in this world and hopefully then we will all still be able to come back together and sit in a living room and listen to music like we do every night now.
Peace and blessings pals.