College Girls, You Need This Workout Routine In Your Life | The Odyssey Online
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College Girls, You Need This Workout Routine In Your Life

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College Girls, You Need This Workout Routine In Your Life
Victor Freitas

College is one of those places where you either find yourself or lose yourself. When there are a variety of food options on campus that mostly consist of golden french fries and greasy pizza, it is hard not to say no to those things.

With that, you have to keep up with working out and doing the best you can to stay healthy. Now, understand that I said the word healthy NOT "skinny". Healthy and skinny are two completely different things. Healthy is a lifestyle while being skinny is defined differently by everyone.

With this mindset, eating (somewhat) right and exercising allows you to have balance and learn to have things in moderation. I have realized that it is very unrealistic for me personally to say that I am going to eat salads every day and do high-intensity workouts every night but if that is for you, then more power to ya!

I am the first to raise my hand and say that I am not a fitness guru or the epitome of what it means to live the healthiest of healthy lifestyles but it is all about learning what works best for you and your body type.

Here are some parts of my routine that I do to stay fit throughout the busy work/ school week that might be just what you are looking for to add to your next workout (funny gifs included):


Warming up and cooling down with cardio is always an option. I hate the idea but always end up feeling great after doing cardio. Ranging from doing ten minutes on the treadmill or riding the stationary bikes, anything is better than nothing!

Leg Press

This machine is great and is a must when you are looking for that perfect #legday workout. Adjust the amount of weight, more or less, and switch legs one by one.


The versatility of these things rock! There are million different ways to use them. Raise them above your head, hold them out to your side, whatever you decide to do with them will work.

Russian Twists

Pick up that medicine ball and get to work. This is the go-to core workout for impressive results. (Side note: Sydney Leroux is the coolest).

Drinking Water

Might not be considered a workout but it is a big part of the routine. Water, H2O, agua, whatever you decide to call it make sure to have it. No dehydration here, chug!

In the end, a workout is a workout and whatever you decide to do is ultimately up to you which is the best part of it all! I am one of those people who likes to do full body routine every day to keep everything toned and in shape, but if you want to focus on one thing each day that works too!

Now that that is covered, go out and get your work out on you fitness go-getter you!

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