1. I have no idea what I'm doing
This thought crosses my mind at least a thousand times a day. Whether I’m trying to figure out how to do laundry, sitting in an hour-long lecture, or just trying to figure out how to make Cup Noodles. In college, nine times out of ten you have no idea what you’re doing, so just put on a confident smile and fake it till you make it honey!
In high school, I used to wake up and do my hair
every morning, pick out my clothes the night before, and wouldn’t be caught dead in sweatpants…Being blessed with 8 AMs every morning has taught me that everyone is still too asleep to care what you look like and it is 100% acceptable to wear your pajamas and a messy bun.
3. I feel like my world is over.
Sometimes you’ll have weeks where it seems like all your teachers got together and planned to make everything due during the same week. You’re pulling all-nighters, living at the library, eating microwave meals in the dorm, and just praying that Friday gets here fast. Trust me your world is not over, whenever I have weeks like this I find that making list really helps! You find joy in crossing things off, relax and take it day by day, girl you got this!
One thing that is hard to learn is TIME
MANAGEMENT!!!!! You must be able to balance what you WANT to do and what you NEED to do, which can be hard to do. This means that you might have to miss somethings in order to finish an essay or an assignment, don’t worry there will plenty more basketball games to go to, and trust me you’ll make it to the next girls night out.
Sometimes you’ll have a rough week, you didn’t make the grade that you wanted to make, you saw your dream guy eating with another girl in the café, and sometimes you feel like crying because you miss your dog back at home. DON’T WORRY, this is normal!!! Some days you will feel emotionally drained…usually when I feel this way I’ll call some old friends to laugh about the good old days or if you are lucky enough to live close to home
like me, go home after classes. It will be nice to eat a real meal, see your family, cuddle with your dog, and trust me your family will be glad you stopped by.
6. You can't plan your life out
I couldn’t agree with this more. In college, you’ll meet some people who seem to have their entire life planned and then you’ll meet some who are still undecided in their major. There is absolutely NO way to plan your life out, heck I have a hard time making weekend plans! Don’t freak yourself out if you don’t know exactly how many kids you want and what their names will be…. trust me you have time.
7. You only live once
And you only do college once (hopefully). Yes, college is about school and preparing for your career but come on like we don’t have fun on the weekends! College is supposed to be the best time of your life but it’s up to you to make it fun! Now, don’t forget what you’re actually there for. But always remember a little party never killed anybody.
8. I also ordered pizza and Chinese food 'cuz I couldn't decide
Yes, I’m talking about the dreaded “freshman fifteen”. My first semester of college I ate vanilla ice cream at every meal, even breakfast. It’s okay to eat, but watch it girl, trust me even though that chocolate covered cookie looks good when you see your rocking summer bod you won’t regret it.
9. Why are we holding hands? Because, we are in love
One thing you’ll find in college is your life long best friends. I’m talking about bridesmaids, god-mother kind of friends. So, don’t take them for granted, being away from home sometimes they’re all that you have!
10. Can I get an amen?
Finally, college is great! Can I get an amen? If college goes as fast as it has so far it won’t be too long before it’s time to walk across that stage again so ENJOY IT. And always remember stay fabulous and I hope all of your days are as DASHing as you are doll.