One of the hardest lessons I’ve ever learned (and I am still learning) is how to be okay with disappointing others. This is something I have dealt with literally my entire life.
I was the kid who ALWAYStold on themselves whenever they did wrong in fear of being caught. I was also the kid who sat in the classroom crying if I got a “bad” grade and when the teacher would say, “Ashley, that’s not a bad grade. Are you upset because you think your parents will be upset?” I honestly had to say, “No” because they wouldn’t have been upset. My parents have NEVERpressured me about my grades or any achievements, it was always me.
Somewhere along the way, I developed this irrational fear of disappointing people who have never been disappointed in me. My parents, friends, boyfriends, grandparents, teachers, classmates…everyone. I’ve always been so scared to step out of the box, color outside the lines, or step up to the plate due to fear of striking out.
But, I’m learning.
I’m learning how to make mistakes and to even be slightly okay with it.
I’m learning that sometimes the only way to learn how to do something right, is to do it wrong a hundred times.
It’s okay if your parents don’t particularly like your major or they think you could do something better, trust me I’ve been there. It’s okay if someone doesn’t like your haircut, it’s your head? It’s okay if your house isn’t always clean, it’s lived in.
Just because someone thinks you should do this or do that, or that you should follow some “unspoken rule” that society has set doesn’t mean you have to.
Never apologize for doing things the way you feel is right, and never apologize to those who don’t agree with your choices.
Do what makes YOUhappy. You only have this one life, there are no do-overs, and the only things you’ll regret are the chances you didn’t take.
Mistakes and disappointments are the way we learn. If it weren’t for someone’s mistakes we would live in a world without Penicillin, chocolate chip cookies, and even X-Rays.
Now am I saying go out of your way to do things the opposite way people advise? Absolutely not. I would hope that you surround yourself with people who have your best interest at heart, and if they do, then you should definitely take their opinion into consideration because it’s usually out of love. Does that make it the law? No. Does that mean that the way they do/did something is the right way for you? No. I just want you to know that you are the one with the ultimate say. You and only YOU can determine where your life goes, the chances you take, and your own happiness.
So step outside the box or over the line. Color wherever you want to, who cares about the lines (hey, it’s abstract right?), and step up to the plate and swing even if you miss every dang ball.