A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away lived a girl who loved anything and everything “Star Wars” … oh wait, that’s right now.
Although many argue that George Lucas’s galactic phenomena is tailored to a male geek squad, as the Star Wars universe continues to grow so does the number of strong female characters. Although Princess Leia was originally lonely in a cast full of men, as Star Wars introduced strong characters like Padme and Rey, it’s obvious that Star Wars is becoming one of the select fandoms portraying women as the independent and strong beings they are.
If you’re a woman who’s a part of the 1 percent who hasn’t seen the most epic films of our time, here’s all the reasons why you need a little Star Wars in your life.
Star Wars is filled with strong-willed and hard-core women who know what they want, and are willing to fight for it:
Padme, Princess Leia, Rey and a multitude of female Jedi’s weren’t locked up in a tower on looking the intergalactic rebellion like some helpless Disney Princesses (sorry Disney you know I love you). No, they were side-by-side with the men, armed with blasters, fighting for what they believed in. Don’t believe me? Padme not only served as a fearless Senator, but managed to escape from handcuffs using only a freaking bobby pin and killed a Reek 20 times her size. Let me repeat, A BOBBY PIN. Good luck trying to manage that Anakin.
Princess Leia TAKES the blaster from Luke and starts shooting Storm Troopers in one of her first scenes, and later strangles Jaba using the chains SHE was in. All the while keeping her hair effortlessly perfect. And Rey? Just watch all of Episode VII and you should be up to speed on her fine abilities.
Star Wars Women Are Intelligent and Praised for it:
Regardless of societies portrayal of women, newsflash: Women have brains. And Star Wars so gloriously defends this truth with their female characters. Padme not only successfully rules Naboo at the age of 14, but later serves as an inspirational political leader in a time of great distress upon the Republic. Regardless of the challenges, Padme keeps a level head and is always resourceful.
Princess Leia is the founder of the Resistance and fights the First Order with her strategic operations. Leia uses her quick wit and ability in all of her operations and flawlessly leads all of the Resistance fighters. Rey, an orphan from Jakku, is forced to scavenge for survival alone. Rey gains skills that not only help her survive on her alone, but later proves how resourceful she is with her knowledge of mechanics.
Star Wars Women Empower Others:
Padme, Leia or Rey don’t use their social status or ability to cut others down or for selfish purposes. Padme treats everyone she encounters with kindness, regardless of their social status in the galaxy. In fact, she uses her status to become the voice of her people, “I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee!”
Leia is always loyal and selfless, and continually builds up those around her, “Luke don’t talk that way. You have a power that I don’t understand and can never have.” Although Rey grows up with literally nothing, she never expects something in return and always gives 110% of herself. When she see’s BB-8, she could have easily continued on with her life but places herself in danger in order to help him find Luke. Heck, she could have even sold BB-8 in order to afford enough money to feed herself, but refuses to sell him: “Actually, the droid’s not for sale.” Even when Rey is captured by Kylo Ren and tortured, she refuses to give up information to protect her new found friends.
It’s safe to say that in a world full of Kardashians, we should take note from the strong willed ladies of the galaxy. These independent, strong, intelligent, compassionate, and selfless warriors serve as the perfect fictional role models for any young woman. So when you get the chance, pop some popcorn, hop in your favorite Chewbacca onesie (I own one), have yourself a Star Wars marathon and appreciate these strong female characters. May the force (and estrogen) be with you.