Congratulations, the countdown is over and you are officially a College student! *Pops Champagne and streamer balloons start to fall down*. However, before you got to the moment of late night studying and binge eating on a daily basis, why don't we roll the tape back to the moment before the moment you became a college student. Oh yes, I am talking about the emotional roller-coaster that is move-in-day, and what better way to sum up every emotion you will probably feel than Grey's Anatomy(Season 13 starts on September 22!!)
1. The night before when you have to gobble down all the food because you don't know when you're next going to get a nice home-cooked meal.
"All the high calorie food can be put over here on my plate. Take the salad off my good sir."
2. That moment when you're just staring up at the ceiling patiently waiting for the big day to arrive.
There's an old Irish tale that goes if you push your mind into a state of pure concentration, scrunch up your forehead hard enough then you just might force tomorrow to arrive.
3. That moment when your alarm finally rings.
"Eurgh. I should really change this alarm for College."
4. That moment when it doesn't seem like everything will fit into your car.
"It's okay. It's going to be okay. What do you think the odds are that my Dad is going to want to drive back 4 more hours to drop off my carpet and throw pillows?"
5. That moment when you're family starts to question what you're bringing to College.
"Huh, what? Yes, I need that huge lamp. The painting too. How am I supposed to reach art snob greatness without a painting in my room?!"
6. That moment when you begin to get closer and closer to your College.
"WE'RE HERE! WE'RE HERE!! *expletive* WE MADE IT!!"
5. That moment when you have to carry all your heavy boxes to your dorm room.
"Yeah, maybe I should have left the painting at home."
6. That moment when you see your dorm room for the first time.
"Can I just sleep now?"
7. That moment when you start to unpack your stuff.
"Can I just take out my toothbrush and leave everything in my boxes? I'm sure my roommate won't mind, it will be like living in a really cool homemade adventure park."
8. That moment when you have to say goodbye to your family.
Yes, I know you've spent the last few weeks counting down the days till you get to run away from them, but these people are some of the few people in the world who don't cower in fear over your morning breath, you're allowed to shed some unabashed thug tears.
9. That moment when your family starts to drive away and you realize that this is it, the independence you've craved all your life is finally here.
10. That moment when you unpack and realize you have a bunch of stuff that you don't really need.
"Do you think if I bribe the mail room lady with my winning smile and dashing personality she'll let me post these big packages back home for free?"
11. That moment when you're all done with the unpacking and decorating, and you're room looks A1.
"Not to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty sure I just became the Michelangelo of dorm room decorating."
12. That moment at orientation when you're desperately trying to find someone to buddy up with.
You need friends, partially because all your friends are literally miles away and you don't want to be that person who is trying to Skype and show everyone their new room i.e. me the first two hours of getting to College.
13. The moment when you do find someone to buddy up with.
"You like Nutella on a bagel?! No way, that's my special dish, it's literally the only thing I know how to cook."
14. That moment when you realize that you're a college student and the rest of your life is finally here.