Prior to attending college, it's more than likely you'll be given the same advice from multiple people. For example, I heard "learn how to manage your time," and "really try to get involved," over and over again. These are both valuable lessons that you should actually follow, but there's another phrase that I believe is just as, if not more, important. That statement is to simply "say yes."
Whether you're commuting from home or moving 2,000 miles away, college is a whole new and inexperienced world. While it can seem intimidating at first, it's important to remember that college is what you make of it. At orientation day for the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM), I heard lots of advice, but what stuck with me most was the message to "take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way."
Every day I remember to never waste an opportunity. Opportunities come and go, and more than likely one opportunity leads to countless others. Because of that simple advice, I've excelled in my schoolwork while balancing a job. I've gone to school on weekends and days I haven't had school to get ahead on my schoolwork and to take workshops to learn new skills. Because I decided to write for The Odyssey Online, my writing skills were noticed and got me my current job as a social manager for a fashion company.
Don't be lazy and make excuses not to work for your dreams. Anyone can be successful as long as they work hard and believe in themselves.