Don't get me wrong, there is definitely a solid list of pros that come with being the oldest sibling. However, any oldest sibling can relate to these 10 struggles of growing up as the first in the family.
1. Being the guinea pig… for everything
You're the experiment child. Plain and simple.
2. Your parents were WAY more strict with you
Like... WAY more strict. Maybe it was an early curfew. Maybe you couldn't see PG-13 movies until you were actually 13. Times were tough.
3. Younger siblings copying you
They say that imitation is a form of flattery, but not as a kid. Whether it was imitating your wardrobe, your actions, or maybe even your mannerisms just to annoy you, nothing ticked you off more than your sibs copying you.
4. When you and your younger siblings got into fights, you’d get in more trouble because you’re “supposed to know better”
So unfair. After all, your sibling started it, right?
5. Your youngest sibling could get away with murder
Your parents were the strictest with you, but when it comes to the youngest in the family, it's like all hell broke loose. Your youngest sibling could get away with anything.
6. You probably have a type-A personality
This one isn't necessarily all bad. Being the first in the family to do everything has probably made you a hard-working, ambitious, competitive individual. However, you're also likely a big ball of stress most of the time. Yikes.
7. Having to filter yourself in front of your siblings
Stopping yourself from cursing... Finding out that Santa wasn't real and having to keep it a secret... Filtering is truly a form of art when you're the oldest sibling.
8. You were the built-in babysitter/chauffer/nanny/chef/tutor
Because why would have your parents hired one when they had a kid who was old enough to do it all?
9. Watching your younger siblings do things better than you did
Your younger siblings have the luxury of learning from your mistakes (you're the guinea pig, after all), so it always stings a little bit seeing them do something better than you did.
10. Having zero guidance in life
As I said, there are definitely perks to being the oldest, but not having your own older sibling to look up to can be hard at times. I don't mind being a role model, but I wish I would have had an older sibling there to drive me around, help me navigate high school or visit when I was looking at colleges. *sigh*